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Updated: August 9, 2024

An' so, when you read a book, you've got to do a heap of thinkin' on your own hook, or else you'll get mistaken ideas an' go to gettin' things mixed up. I like to do my own thinkin'." "Are you always right?" "Bless you, ma'am, no. I'm scarcely ever right. I'll get to believin' a thing, an' then along will come somethin' else, an' I'll have to start all over again.

She grasped his hands in hers, kissed them tearfully, and took up the basket. "I were a-goin' with ye on Thursday, but I can't now. Thank ye for believin' me, and I'll work as hard as ye says I must, and if I air a bad brat, then I air sorry." She had gone out, crying bitterly, before he could say another word; but a happier feeling was in his heart than had been for many weeks.

"'All right. You're Jorth's backers. Have any of you a word to say in Ellen Jorth's defense? I tell you the Mexican lied. Believin' me or not doesn't matter. But this vile-mouthed Bruce hinted against thet girl's honor. "Ag'in some of the men laughed, but not so noisy, an' there was a nervous shufflin' of feet. Isbel looked sort of queer. His neck had a bulge round his collar.

And the more I thought on't the more I couldn't help seein' and believin' that it was right and fair to free the niggers and let them have a fair show and a white man's chance votin' and all. That's what I call a fair hack, and I swear, Mr. Le Moyne, I don't know how it may seem to you, but to my mind any man that ain't willing to let any other man have that, is a damn coward!

Uniformed custom officers and uniformed policemen stood in line as we came up the gang-plank. Behind them, funny little locomotives attached to queer cars which appeared to be all doors, puffed and panted. Hephzibah looked about her. "Yes," she said, with conviction. "I'm believin' it more and more all the time. It is England, just like the pictures.

Never thee stop believin' in th' Big Good Thing an' knowin' th' world's full of it an' call it what tha' likes. Tha' wert singin' to it when I come into th' garden." "I felt so joyful," said Colin, opening his beautiful strange eyes at her.

They reckon you played 'em one ag'in t'other for their wads, an' both o' them ag'in Buck. Y' see mind I'm jest tellin' you cos you asked they guess you ast 'em both to supper that evenin'. Pete said he was ast, an' Ike let on the same. You ast 'em both for the fun of the racket. An' you had Buck around to watch the fun. Yes, they're pretty hot. An' you can't blame 'em, believin' as they do.

Still believin' that the Goddess of Liberty is about as well sot up with as any young lady in distress could expect to be, I am Yours more'n anybody else's, A. Ward. If I'm drafted I shall RESIGN. Deeply grateful for the onexpected honor thus confered upon me I shall feel compeld to resign the position in favor of sum more worthy person. Modesty is what ails me. That's what's kept me under.

Aunt Ri gazed at her with a sentiment as near to veneration as her dry, humorous, practical nature was capable of feeling. "I allow I donno but I sh'd cum ter believin' in saints tew," she said, "ef I wuz ter live 'long side er thet gal. 'Pears like she wuz suthin' more 'n human. 'T beats me plum out, ther way she takes her troubles.

I sort of look at some things differently than I did, and so it was funny, just funny to watch him, and I'm not so blind that I don't know what his story will be tonight down at the Tavern. Not that I care what they say, either. But there is some one who couldn't help believin' it couldn't believe anything else after what happened last night." He stopped, groping for words to finish.

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