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The Mademoiselle Zabriski dodg is about Plaid out. my beard is getting to much for me. i shall have to grow a mustash and take to some other line of busyness, I dont no what now, but will let you no. You wont feel bad if i sell that Bracelett. i have seen Abrahams Moss and he says he will do the square thing. Pleas accep my thanks for youre Beautifull and Unexpected present.

Some pock or oth. It is utterl imposs. Underline imposs. To write today. Bore this. Bored Bloom tambourined gently with I am just reflecting fingers on flat pad Pat brought. On. Know what I mean. No, change that ee. Accep my poor litt pres enclos. Ask her no answ. Hold on. Five Dig. Two about here. Penny the gulls. Elijah is com. Seven Davy Byrne's. Is eight about. Say half a crown.

'I suppose I micht as weel jine your lot, said Willie, carelessly. Macgregor drew himself up. 'The 9th H.L.I, doesna accep' onything that offers. 'I'm as guid as you an' I'm bigger nor you. 'Ye're bigger, but ye're peely-wally. Still, Wullie, I wud like fine to see ye in ma company. 'Ye've a neck on ye! Your company! . . . Aweel, come on an' see me dae it.

Peters, he up an' handed over a horse, an' so, quick as I got a chance, I des balanced my ekalub'ium an' went an' set down beside her an' ast her ef she wouldn't do me de honor to accep' of a driver, an' an' she say yas. "You know I'm a coachman by trade. "An' dat's huccome I come to say she got sev'al presents las' night." And he took another puff of his cigarette.

"He's mair thouchtless, I do believe, than ill contrived an' a' for 's fun. He spak unco kin' like to me, efterhin, but I cudna accep' it, ye see, efter the w'y he had saired my daddy. But wadna ye hae thoucht he was auld eneuch to ken better by this time?" "An auld fule 's the warst fule ava'," said Miss Horn.

But now tell me, Angelica, if my fortin's made, will you marry me, an' help to spend it? "`Yes, I will, says she. "I was so took by surprise, Geo'ge, when she say dat, I sprung up on one elber, an' felled down agin wid a howl, for two o' my ribs had been broke. "`Neber mind de yells, Angelica, says I, `it's only my leetle ways. But tell me why you allers refuse me before an' accep' me now.

"The drinks are on me, this morning," said the man, marching him off to the nearest bar. And Keeler was so much in the humor of the thing that he was soon telling the story of the Frenchman who took lessons in English from a Kentuckian: "What do you say in Anglais when one offer you a drink, and you accep' le invite?" "Don't care if I do," replied the instructor. "Don car fido," repeated Frenchy.

If," he continued, thrusting a hand into his breeches-pocket, and bringing up therefrom a mass of mixed gold, silver, and copper "if you don't objec' to accep' of a loan of " "Thank you no, my friend. It is very kind of you," said Miles quickly; "but I have quite enough for present necessities. So good-night." "All right," returned the sailor, thrusting the money back into his pocket.

Vereupon blue Bobby eccosts me with the remark, "I wants you, Bill;" and seem' me too parerlyzed to bolt, he pops me in that 'ere jug vithout e'er a handle. Jack. Mother kep' a pig once. Jim. What was he like, Jack? Jack. As like any other pig as ever he could look; accep' that where other pigs is black he wor white, an' where other pigs is white he wor black. Jim.

The throne of Sialpore is vacant, and you are invited to accept it. I have here the required authority from Simla." Utirupa rose from his chair, and bowed. "I am willing to accep," he answered quietly. His face showed no emotion. "There is one stipulation, though," said Samson. "We are tired of these foolish 'islands' our territory in yours and yours in ours. There's a contract here.