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He concentrated his whole force, while the Americans stretched out in line. He approached in column, attempting to deploy under a most galling fire, and the result was, as might have been anticipated, fearfully disastrous. With 151 men killed and 320 wounded, among whom was Lieutenant-Colonel, the Marquis of Tweedale, the British were compelled to retire.

I.e., the Intercalated Elul. Lit., 'raising of his hand to a god' the attitude in prayer. Text erroneously 'mistress. Here and elsewhere Ishtar is used in a generic sense for 'chief goddess'; in the present case Sarpanitum. See above, pp. 82, 151, 206. 'Belit, as 'mistress' in general. Lit., 'place of secrecy, the reference being to that portion of the temple where the god sat enthroned.

The 'Atlantic', under the direction of Lieutenant Bowen, a naval agent, ran into a harbour between Van Diemen's land, and Port Jackson, in latitude 35 degrees 12 minutes south, longitude 151 degrees east, to which, in honour of Sir John Jervis, Knight of the Bath, Mr. Bowen gave the name of Port Jervis.

By the Freewill Offerings through the boxes £151 6s. 8d. By presents in money from believers in and out of Bristol £141 18s. 0d. By money, through family connexion £40 0s. 0d. By presents in clothes, provisions, etc., which were worth to me, at least £12 0s. 0d. We have been living for six months, half free of rent whereby we have saved at least £5 0s. 0d. Altogether £350 4s. 8d.

No spring or sliding-pole is necessary in this method, as the animal when caught will immediately run for the water, and the weight of the trap will sink and drown its prisoner. The Oils of Rhodium and Amber, page 151 are also successfully employed by many trappers; a few drops of either in the neighborhood of the trap, or directly upon it, being sufficient.

And it all came out as it was planned; the Bishop of London had the books, Packington had the thanks, Tindale had the money, the debt was paid, and the new edition was soon ready. The old document, from which I am quoting, adds that the Bishop thought he had God by the toe when, indeed, he found afterward that he had the devil by the fist. Pollard, Records of the English Bible, p. 151.

ARTHUR YOUNG'S Travels, etc., in France, pp. 143, 151. "Car dès ce moment on menaçait Versailles d'une incursion de gens armés de Paris." MADAME DE CAMPAN, ch. xiv. Lacretelle, vol. vii., p. 105. She meant to say, "Messieurs, je viens remettre entre vos mains l'épouse et la famille de votre souverain. Ne souffrez pas que l'on désunisse sur la terre ce qui a été uni dans le ciel."

On November 22d, the United States brig Vixen was captured by the English frigate Southampton, and both were subsequently shipwrecked on December 29th, the United States frigate Constitution, under Commodore Bainbridge, captured the British frigate Java, off the coast of Brazil. The American loss was 44 and the British 151.

So the Painter with hairy beard Says to the Writer who mocked and jeered. DUeRER'S IDEAS Duerer often painted the Virgin's head as a mere exercise or example in those proportion studies with which we must presently deal. Sir W. M. CONWAY, in "Duerer's Literary Remains," p. 151.

From this custom of the church of Jerusalem probably arose that of the Roman church, in which a crucifix, containing a particle of the true cross, was publicly venerated on good Friday. Flecte genu, lignumque crucis venerabile adora, says Lactantius. See bishop Poynter's Christianity p. 151.