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"They are on the houseboat, and the craft is hidden up Shaggam Creek," put in Sam. He turned to the captain of the tug. "Where is Shaggam Creek?" "This ere is Shaggam Creek, an' I'm Jake Shaggam," answered the hermit. "But you-uns said you'd pay me thet twenty-five dollars." "I will," said Tom, and brought out the amount at once. "Thank you very much."

Then, with that indulgence which Rufe always met at the tanyard, and which served to make him so pert and forward, the tanner said, humoring the privileged character, "What be you-uns a-talkin' 'bout, boy? Mrs. Price ain't dead." "HE hev viewed old Mis' Price's harnt," cried Rufe, pointing at Andy Byers, with a jocosely crooked finger.

"But who are these men, Batters, and what do you know about them?" asked Ned. The lad hesitated for a moment. "I reckon I might as well make a clean breast of it," he said in a pitiful tone. "Don't you-uns think bad of me an' Joe though, cause we've been brung up different, 'deed we have ." "Look here, Batters, you needn't tell us if you don't want to," interrupted Ned sympathetically.

"Leastwise the folks yander at Sycamore Gap 'peared ter think so. This hyar Tom Markham he war speakin' on the issues o' the day, an' bein' he's a frien' o' Sheriff Quigley's, he tuk a turn at me an' you-uns, o' course.

If one's sins are sure to find one out, there is little doubt but that Brother Nehemiah would be on the ground first. "Air you-uns a-settin' under the preachin' o' Brother Peter Vickers?" he demanded in a sepulchral voice. "Naw, naw," she was glad to reply.

I know what there is to be known. What are you talking about?" "Well!" the old man replied with a half sob, "we coloured folks we get news or we get half news sooner than you-uns. I dun know jes' what it is, but somethin' has gone wrong with Massa Linkum."

And on the same principle, why do you say 'you were' to me instead of 'you was, which would be more singular ha! ha! ha!" "What I think so curious is the double-barrelled pronouns themselves, 'you-uns' and 'we-uns." Mrs. Royston forced herself to take part in the colloquy at the first opportunity. "Not at all queer," Bayne promptly contended.

"Stand back thar, some of you-uns," commanded a loud voice, "I'll holp move Sal myself." In vain were protests from nurses and orderlies alike, the old mountaineer seemed bent on making good use of his one arm and with quick dexterity he helped to lift her on the bed. "Now, whar's the doctor?" he demanded, standing with feet far apart and head thrown back.

"I'll talk to Dick." As the door closed on the old woman, Zenobia leaned her hands on the back of a chair, and confronted the admiring eyes of Dick with a goddess-like indifference. "Now wot's the use of your playin' this yer game on me, Dick? Wot's the good of your ladlin' out that hogwash about huntin'? HUNTIN'! I'll tell yer the huntin' you-uns hev been at!

Down the stream came a worn and battered rowboat in which was seated an old man dressed in rags. As he approached the steam tug he stopped rowing. "Say," he drawled. "Kin you-uns tell me whar to find a party called the Rovers?" "That's our party right here," replied Dick, and he added, excitedly: "What do you want to know for?" "So you-uns are really the Rovers?" "Yes." "Searching fer somebody?"