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"You-all got t' turn aroun' an' go back, 'cause Bat Spurgeon an' his gang is waitin' fer you-uns on the White River Ridge," announced Julie unemotionally. Hippy uttered a partly suppressed whistle. "That is where they are going to collect the price on your head," suggested Emma Dean. "Sh h h!" rebuked Anne. "This is news to me. Who is Bat Spurgeon?

I reckon them war right ez 'lowed pore folks like we-uns ain't fit ter run fur office, an' ain't goin' ter git 'lected. I'd never hev dreamt o' sech ef it hedn't been fur you-uns never in this worl'." Walter's voice sunk moodily, and he had a flouting gesture as he turned aside. A vicarious ambition is the most ungrateful of passions.

Then we-uns ketches up and finishes him." "Mebbe you-uns don't know that a dew-clawed dog is snake-proof " But somebody, thinking that dog-talk had gone far enough, produced a bottle of soothing-syrup that was too new to have paid tax. Then we discovered that there was musical talent, of a sort, in Little John.

Ye miserable deceitful critter settin' two own brothers at loggerheads! I'll take no word from you-uns sure!" He shook his head indignantly at her, clapped his hat upon it, and turned desperately away as a man came running up. "Have ye found Justus?" Wat exclaimed. "Justus? No. But they say it's a tie a tie!"

"Hello, Rufe!" he called out, as soon as the small boy was inside the tanyard, "be you-uns SURE ez Nate said he'd come over by sun- up?" Rufe halted and gazed about him, endeavoring to conjure an expression of surprise into his freckled face. He even opened his mouth to exhibit astonishment exhibiting chiefly that equivocal tongue, and a large assortment of jagged squirrel teeth.

I know you-uns don't like our money, but we-uns hev got to use it or go without any," "Well, I'll trade," said Frank. "Your paper will no doubt be a curiosity to the folks at home."

An' I fund the coat a-hangin' thar on the peg, whar I hed lef' it, bein' ez I furgot it when I went off with Rufe ter look at his chickens, an' the pocket war empty an' the paper gone! Nate hev kem ter sarch, too!" Once more he held out his hand. "Gimme the grant. Nate 'lows 'twar you-uns ez tuk it, bein' ez I lef' it hyar." Birt flushed angrily. "I'll say a word ter Nate Griggs!" he declared.

I never 'lowed, though, ez it mought look cur'ous ter you-uns, or like a spy, ter kem ez bold ez brass down the path in full sight." The logic of the seeming security of his approach, and the apparent value of his scheme, had their full weight. He saw credulity gradually overpowering doubt and distrust, and his heart grew light with relief.

Suddenly Clenk partially lifted himself and dived into one of the pockets of his loose coat. He brought up a little red shoe, all tarnished and tobacco-stained, and held it out to Lillian with a faint and flickering smile of bestowal, certain of gratitude as well as recognition. "Does you-uns know that leetle foot?" Lillian swayed for a moment as if she might fall.

One ole man ole Sam Coggins, up ter Sims's Mill says ter me, he says, 'I dunno yer brother, Justus Hoxon; but blister my boots, ef I don't vote fur anybody ez air kin ter you-uns, an' ez ye hev set yer heart on 'lectin' ter office. An' the way folks inquired arter ye, an'" "I ain't talkin' 'bout the 'lection," Wat broke in brusquely. "I war axin' 'bout 'Dosia.