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Updated: January 2, 2025
It was a large space to fill, and, as Nehemiah looked round, he saw that whilst the city was imposing from without, it was a bare, miserable place inside. 'The city was large and great; but the people were few therein, and the houses were not builded. Not only so, not only was the city unsightly, but there were not enough inhabitants to protect the walls. In case of an attack, what would be done?
To meet him here proved nothing; the law was not violated by Nehemiah in the mere knowledge that illicit whiskey was in process of manufacture; a dozen different errands might have brought him. But this statement put a sword, as it were, into the boy's hands, and he dared not deny it. "'Pears ter me," he blurted out at last, "ez ye air powerful slack with yer jaw."
Nevertheless, in this connection, Nehemiah Yerby developed an absorbing interest in the watercourses of the coves and adjacent mountains, especially their more remote and sequestered tributaries.
Here she was intrenched. She shook her head in negation. The affair was none of hers. Ty Sudley could take ample care of it. Nehemiah gave a little skip that might suggest a degree of triumph. "Aha, not ploughin'! But Ty is ploughin', I seen him in the field. An' Lee-yander ain't ploughin'! An' how did I know?
Again, when we renew our covenant, we do not mean that the obligation has ceased, or that we can increase its obligation, for this is infinite and permanent; we intend by our personal act to deepen and render more durable our sense of preexisting obligation. This is, indeed, the immediate object of all renovations, by Moses, Joshua, kings of Judah and Nehemiah.
It was the very king who had put one of his subjects to this death of awful torment before whom Nehemiah had to appear, and of whom he had to make a request. No wonder, then, that he dreaded the interview, and that he felt that he needed many months of prayer to make him ready for it.
Now that father and son were side by side we saw how like they were and wondered we bad never guessed the truth. 'Do you remember? said Nehemiah, when we returned. 'Do you remember when you were a little boy, coming one night to the old log house on Bowman's Hill with Uncle Eb? 'I remember it very well, I answered. 'That was the first time I ever saw you, he said.
The time is not far off when every converted Nestorian will go to ten Mussulmen to teach them the word of God. "Pray for us more than ever, for many are the enemies of Nehemiah and ruined Jerusalem. Our hope is in God. He has begun, and he will finish."
"It is true that he is the one man in the world who insults me to my face with impunity whenever he meets me, and even presumes to chalk upon the walls of my own castle denunciations against me from the book of the Prophet Nehemiah, so that I was obliged to forbid him ever to appear before me under pain of being thrown headlong out of the window; yet to show you what an obedient servant I am of yours, madame, I will not baulk you of your desire, or desire you to choose another master, but will send and invite him to come up here at once.
Tabernacle Workers Caleb's Daughter. Deborah. Wife of Manoah. Naomi. Hannah. Abigail. Wise Women of Tekoah. Woman of Abel. Rispah. Prophet's Widow. The Shunamite. Little Israelitish Maid. Huldah. FIFTH PERIOD BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY. The Captivity. Suggestions as to the identity of the Ahasuerus of Scripture. Esther. Review of Events narrated in Ezra and Nehemiah.
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