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"They talk ez ef it war me ez led the drinkin', an' the gamin', an' the dancing and sech, ez goes on in the Cove, 'kase whenst Lee-yander war about fryin' size I wouldn't abide ter hev him a-sawin' away on the fiddle in the house enough ter make me deef fur life.

It's powerful pleasant ter be a-meetin' of folks hyar this hyar stranger this evenin' " his gleaming teeth in the semi-obscurity notified Yerby that a smile of spurious politeness was bent upon him, and he made haste to grin very widely in response "an' that thar fiddle 'minds me o' how unexpected 'twar whenst I met up with Lee-yander hyar 'pears ter me, Bob, ez ye air goin' ter diddle the life out'n his fiddle an' Hilary jes begged an' beseeched me ter take the boy with me ter help 'round the mill, ez he war a-runnin' away.

"Kem in, kem in, Nehemiah; Tyler will be glad ter see ye, an' I reckon ye will be powerful interested ter view how Lee-yander hev growed an' prospered." She felt as if she were in some terrible dream as she beheld him slowly wag his head from side to side.

If Yerby had not come for the boy, he himself had done no damage in disclosing Leander's whereabouts. Once more his quickly illumined anger was kindled against Tarbetts, who had caused him a passing but poignant self-reproach. "Waal, then, Hilary," he demanded, "what air ye a-raisin' sech a row fur? Lee-yander ain't noways so special precious ez I knows on.

"Lee-yander," he would gently drawl, "ye mustn't be so bad, honey; ye mustn't be so turr'ble bad." "Naw, ma'am, I won't," Leander would cheerily pipe out, and so the procession would wend its way along. For he still confused the gender in titles of respect, and from force of habit he continued to do so in addressing Tyler Sudley for many a year after he had learned better.

Naw, sir, ef ennybody hev sot Lee-yander on ter evil ways 'twarn't me. My conscience be clear."

"I kin but grieve ter hear how my nevy Lee-yander hev 'prospered, ez ye call it, an' I be s'prised ye should gin it such a name. Oh-h-h, Sister Sudley!" in prolonged and dreary vocative, "I 'lowed ye war a godly woman. I knowed yer name 'mongst the church-goers an' the church-members."

He hesitated for a moment, longing to stigmatize its ungodliness; but the recollection of Tyler Sudley's uncertain temper decided him, and he left it unmolested. "But Ab 'lowed ye war middlin' quick at figgers, Lee-yander middlin' quick at figgers!" Leander, still silent and listening, flushed slightly. How much air nine times seven? nine times seven?"

A faint flush sprang into her delicate faded cheek; a halo encircled this repute of sanctity; she felt with quivering premonition that it was about to be urged as a testimony against her. "Elsewise I wouldn't hev gin my cornsent ter hev lef the leetle lam', Lee-yander, in yer fold. Precious, precious leetle lam'!" Poor Laurelia!

It saved a deal o' bloodshed ez sure ez shootin\ 'Twar mighty smart in ye. But" suddenly bethinking himself of sundry unfilial gibes at Uncle Nehemiah and the facetious account of his plight "Lee-yander, ye mustn't be so turr'ble bad, sonny; ye mustn't be so turr'ble bad." "Naw, ma'am, Neighbor, I won't," Leander protested.