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"Gen'l, I has the honor to espress to you, sah, my thanks faw the way you espress yo'self in yo' letteh on the concerns an' prospec's o' we' colo'ed people, sah. An likewise, they's thousands would like to espress the same espressions, sah." "Oh, that's all right." "Gen'l, I represents a quantity of ow people what's move' down into Blackland fum Rosemont and other hill places.

The second time was when we had what Mary Magdalen calls "mulatto rice," which is a dish built upon a firm foundation of small strips of bacon, onion, stewed tomatoes, and rice, and a later and last addition of deliciously browned country sausages. Fernolia, beaming upon The Author hospitably, broke her parole: "You ain't called to skimp yo'self none on dat rice," she told him confidentially.

Johnny Greer was sitting just in front of me. A ragged street-boy, with eager eye, turned upon him instantly, and said in a hoarse whisper, "'No; but did you, though? "'Yes. "'Towed the carkiss ashore and saved it yo'self? "'Yes. "'Cracky! What did they give you? "'Nothing. I'd 'a' anchored him out in the stream, and said, Five dollars, gents, or you carn't have yo' nigger."

The bottom looks bettah through that glass than it does when yo' down theh yo'self. Ah used to do a little diving at one time, but the reefs nevah showed up that cleah. It would be a big thing fo' the boats that take tourists out if they could have glasses like that one there."

"I report to the Master," declared the giant, in his deep voice. "You tell me, I tell him," Rad said pompously. "No need yo' 'sturbing Massa Tom at dis hour." "Koku go in!" declared the giant sternly. "Jes' stay out dere on de stair an' res' yo'self," said Rad. Koku lost his temper with old Rad. There was a feud between them, although deep in their hearts they really were fond of each other.

"You've been talkin' to yo'self all along the road," the boy repeated with zest. "Have I? What are you up to?" "I've been chinquapinin'. Ma, she thinks I'm at school, but I ain't." He looked up wickedly, bubbling over with the shameless joys of truancy. "Thar's a lot of chinquapin bushes over yonder in Cobblestone's wood an' they're chock full of nuts." "And they're in your bag now, I suppose?"

She was no sooner installed than she took possession. That very morning she established her position, after a sharp but decisive battle with the airy "colored lady," who for some days had been dawdling about the house. The mammy had gauged her as soon as her sharp eyes fell on her. "What does yo' call yo'self?" she asked her. "What is my name? I am called 'Miss Johnson Miss Selina Johnson."

Sam shook a mournful head. "She jes' look at me, an' she kinda smile, an' den she say, 'Sam, dis yere basket 'noys me. Ef de lady wants it et, Sam, you eat it yo'self." He paused. "I et it," he ended, solemnly. Laurie's lips twitched under conflicting emotions, but he closed the interview with a fair imitation of indifference.

When Ah was puttin' the saddle on the mule she come out to the stable with them bits o' crocus sack fo' mah feet, 'n she said Mr. Baron'd jus' gone, 'n she 'lowed he had a fever comin' on, he looked so bad." Dr. Morgan was reading the letter for the second time, frowning heavily over it. "What do you-all think yo'self?"

"Jes' a swaller or two, Bishop," he said coaxingly, as one talking to a child "Quick, now, you're not yo'self exactly you've dropped into poetry." "I guess I am a little teched, Jack, but I don't need that when I can get poetry, sech poetry as is now in me. Jack, do you want to hear the gran'est verse ever writ in poetry?" "No no, Bishop, don't! Jack Bracken's yo' friend, he'll freeze to you.