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If yo' behave yo'self I'll give yo' another two fingers by-an'-by." "Hackberry swallowed his portion at a thirsty gulp and sat down on the door-sill to let it do its invigorating work.

"I reckon yo' better leave me," he says, "without yo' want to get yo'self mixed up in all this." "If I do," I says, "you may bleed to death here: or anyway you would get found in the morning and be run in." "Yo' mighty good to me," says he, "considering yo' are no kin to this here part of the country at all. I reckon by yo' talk yo' are one of them damn Yankees, ain't yo'?"

"I have to go down now an' see if I can get Judy to come help to-morrow. Do you think you can undress yo'self to-night?" "Of co'se," answered the Little Colonel. Mom Beck was in such a hurry to be off that she did not notice the tremble in the voice that answered her. "Well, the can'le is lit in yo' room. So run along now like a nice little lady, an' don't bothah yo' mamma.

So that the effect to the unwilling eavesdropper was that which we are familiar with in these days of hearing a conversation at the telephone. "Don't you bother yo'self 'bout me, Miss Frances." Interval. "No, marm. I'd ruther stay right here in dis town whar ev'body knows me. Doan yawl study 'bout me." Several bars' rest, apparently.

Your COUSIN will give you the counsel of race and closer ties." To his infinite astonishment, Miss Sally leaned forward in her chair and buried her laughing face in both of her hands. When her dimples had become again visible, she said with an effort, "Don't yo' think, co'nnle, that as a peacemaker my cousin was even a bigger failure than yo'self?" "I don't understand," stammered Courtland.

"It'll turn out better this time, honey," replied her mother soothingly. "Good-by, child. Take care of yo'self an' yo'r money, and write to yo'r mammy." One kiss all round, and Rena was lifted into the buggy. Wain seized the reins, and under his skillful touch the pretty mare began to prance and curvet with restrained impatience.

"Don't mind 'em, Nick," she said, and her sharp voice broke suddenly. "Go ahead an' make a man of yo'self, mortgage or no mortgage." Nicholas lifted his gaze from the floor and looked into his stepmother's face. Then he looked at her hand as it lay upon his arm. That trembling hand brought to him more fully than words, more clearly than visions, the pathos of her life.

He was a settin' afo' his do' smokin' his pipe and he glanced me over kind of weary-like and says, 'Howdy! It wa'n't much of a greetin' the way he said it either; but I figured it was some better than bein' chased off the place. So I stepped indo's, stood my rifle in a corner and hung up my cap. He was watchin' me and presently he drawled out, 'Make yo'self perfectly at home, stranger.

McLean an' all the soldiers with 'em, an' " "Silence, you babbling idiot!" shouted Dr. Bayard. "Stop your fool stories, or I'll " "But it's God's truth, doctor. It's God's truth," protested Winnie, desperately determined to be defrauded of no part of her morning's sensation. "Ask anybody. Ask the sergeant of the guard. Yo' can see the men what brought the news yo'self."

One of Judge Garret's nephews dropped in in time to help me with the last row. Yo' needn't have troubled yo'self to send up for me for mere company manners, but Sophy says yo' looked sort of 'anxious and particular' when yo' asked for me so I suppose yo' want to see me for something."