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There's somethin' up for'd yes let me see ye-e-es, there's two more holy sailor! it's a gunboat! One of those doggoned gasoline coast patrol boats, and there's the Federal flag flying at the fore." "Let's put back to San Diego Bay," quavered Captain Scraggs. "I'll be durned if I relish the idee o' losin' the Maggie." "Too late," said the philosophical Gibney.

"Ye-e-es, father," faltered the boy, in a despairing tone, for he could read plainly enough in his father's eyes that his appeal had been in vain. "Then leave me now, boy, and do not make my task harder by speaking like this again. I have my duty to do towards my country and my home.

"Quite so," said Sir Humphrey, "and you will go your way while I go mine." "Ye-e-es, but it seems a pity. I like you two gentlemen, and I don't think you'd find much harm in me." "I have nothing against you, Mr Mr " "Don't you mind about the `mister. My name's P Franklyn Briscoe, squire, and I should like to be friends with you."

Oi wor a-coomin' oop the forepake afther dark, jist ez it mebbe now. Ye knows the forepake, Joblins?" "Ye-e-es," stuttered out `greeny, his jaw dropping with fright, and his mouth open as big as a teacup. "I I I knows the forepeak, mate."

"Ye-e-es," stammered Dion. The two priests looked at each other, and Lampon said: "They are the children of the farmer who brought the lamb to Pericles. They live on his farm." "It will be a long time before they see the farm again," answered the other shortly. "They say they are lost. Very well, we will see to it that those words are made true. What do you say to shipping them to Africa?

After one glance around the group she picks out Old Hickory, makes straight for him, and grabs one of his big paws in both hands. "Mr. Ellins, is it not?" says she. "Please forgive my coming in like this, but I did want to tell you how grateful I am for all that you have done for dear Vincent and me. It was so generous and kind of you?" "Ye-e-es?" says Old Hickory, sort of draggy and encouragin'.

Elisha blushed and smiled, and tried to speak modestly, but there was a quiver of pride in his voice as he answered suggestively: "It's nearly my cow." "How is that?" asked Mrs. Baxter. "Why, Mr. Came says when I drive her twenty-nine more times to pasture thout her gettin' her foot over the rope or thout my bein' afraid, she's goin' to be my truly cow. Are you fraid of cows?" "Ye-e-es," Mrs.

"Ye-e-es," admitted the principal, though he added grimly under his breath: "I like him so well that I could eat him, right now, if I had a little Worcestershire sauce to make him more palatable." "The Board will please come to order," summoned Chairman Stone, rapping the table with his gavel. "Mr. Reporter, have you good light over at your table." "Excellent, thank you, Mr.

"Well?" says I, waitin' breathless for the storm to break. She gives a little jump, glances up quick, and pinks up like a poppy. "Oh!" says she, "It's you?" "Uh-huh," says I. "I er I've just been talkin' with Dudley." "Ye-e-es?" says she, rollin' a leaf of the book over her finger nervous and droopin' her long lashes.

"Ye-e-es!" shivered Diana, with chattering teeth. "You'd better come indoors and have your clothes dried." The relief of receiving such a charitable reception, instead of the stern rebuke they felt they deserved, was intense. Lenox suddenly burst into a flood of gentlemanly apologies.