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He looked very fresh in his white linen dress, his red leather belt, and twinkling red shoes. With the independent nonchalance of childhood, he took no note of the outstretched arms and blandishing smile of Mr. Briscoe, who sought to intercept him, but made directly toward his mother.

"No, no; that is not it. Don't let us confound the matter with similes, please. Keep them for children." Mrs. Staines left her bed; and would have left her room, but Dr. Philip forbade it strictly. One day, seated in her arm-chair, she said to the nurse, before Dr. Philip, "Nurse, why do the servants look so curiously at me?" Mrs. Briscoe cast a hasty glance at Dr.

"Then I say let's go on," said Briscoe, "and we may find El Dorado, after all." "El Dorado or no El Dorado, I say don't let's give up yet," said Brace. "Let's keep on till we are obliged to go back to the brig for stores; and by that time we shall know whether it is worth while to come up here again." "That's good advice, sir," said the captain, smiling at Brace as he spoke.

"Yes, come back; these places are all the same," said Briscoe, gripping him tightly by the arm; but, as he made way for Brace to pass him, and the rest went on, he stooped down quickly and picked up a piece from the heap of dust-covered stones and placed it in his pocket. "Why did you do that?" said Brace, in a low voice. "Don't ask questions now," whispered Briscoe. "I'll tell you soon.

This was answered twice at a distance, while again and again overhead there was the flutter and swish of wings, probably those of the oil-birds circling about the mouth of the cavern. "It's all over," said Briscoe at last, "and it's night-birds of some kind, I believe. Here, I've been listening so intently that I've forgotten my cigar.

Your Dan would like one of 'em for a kitchen, Mr Briscoe." "Yes; he's smelling about them now. I dessay he has chosen one already," said the American. "Yes, I call this fine; we may come across some curiosities next. What do you say to beginning a regular explore, Brace?" "I say: the sooner the better," cried Brace. Sir Humphrey nodded. "We'll divide into two parties, captain," he said.

"They could not have been so advanced a people as the Mexicans and Peruvians," said Brace. "Seems not," said Briscoe drily, as he thrust the piece of ore in his pocket and followed the men to where they could descend to the boats.

Might like to sail back, p'r'aps, Mr Briscoe," he continued, "and give the copperskins a friendly word about hope they're not damaged, and then settle down in the shallows for a good afternoon's gold-washing." "Not to-day, thankye, skipper," said the American drily. "It might be teaching the savages how to catch the gold fever, as you called it, and be bad for their health."

"But what bad luck!" cried Brace. "Never mind. Stick on another hook, Lynton. I say, that must have been an alligator. There couldn't be fish that size out here." "Pulled like a sea-cow," said Briscoe. "Cow! Went through the water like a steam launch," said Lynton. "Well, whatever it was, it has gone now, and we must hope for better luck next time," said Brace.

Briscoe, having finished cinching, swung to his saddle and rode up to say good-by to Arlie. "Hope you'll have no trouble with this bunch. If you push right along you'd ought to get home by night," he told her. Arlie agreed carelessly. "I don't expect any trouble with them. So-long, Jed."

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