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"Ye-e-es," says she hesitatin'; "that is, I s'pose we have. We ain't made up our minds exactly." "We?" says I, gazin' around. "Mr. Leavitt is behind the tent there, as usual," says she, "and he My land! I guess it's jest as well he is," she gasps, as a limousine rolls up to the front of the canopy, a liveried footman hops off the driver's seat, whisks open the door, and helps unload Mrs.

"Ye-e-es," says Steele draggy. And while I pushes the Major to the front almost by main strength, J. Bayard presents him. After that, though say, I don't know when I've seen two parties indulge in such a long and earnest look at each other as Major Ben and Mrs. Hollister did then.

Get up at once, sir, and see about raising up all the tinned meats and cabin stores you can fetch out of the steerage. Now, look sharp!" "Ye-e-es, sir," replied Llewellyn, crawling unwillingly out of his corner; "but, Cap'en Dinks said "

Jimmy howled "Ye-e-es!" in a tone of provoked affirmative, and Boggs was opened unto. It would be hard to tell in what way Boggs did not block the seminary. He found the tobacco by invading Jimmy's sacred drawer during an absorbing discussion on land tenure; then he rolled and consumed exactly fourteen cigarettes. Pellams kept count out of the corner of his eye.

"Ye-e-es," she answered a little doubtfully then with more assurance, "but remember what Wilbur Short says in that lovely chapter on 'Communion with the Catfish': I want them brought to the table in the simplest and most painless way." "And that is angling with the fly," said he, still more decidedly. "The fly is not swallowed like a bait.