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A new ambition to learn came to him, an ambition to do his share and to understand other people's share. Naturally his mind turned first to accustomed things. "Where's the wood pile?" he asked Mr. Kincaid. "Can't I fill the wood-box?" "It's just behind the house," approved Mr. Kincaid. Bobby turned the wooden "button" that fastened the door from the inside.

"He's down with me in the kitchen, ma'am; I'm teaching him to make a plum cake for himself. He's so happy! I hope you don't want him just now?" "Not the least in the world. I want you to take care of him while I am away. By-the-by, where's Syd?" The name was not liked by her mother who had shortened it to Syd, by way of leaving as little of it as possible. With a look at Mrs.

He looked astonished, and says: "Hel-LO! Where'd YOU come from?" Then he says, kind of glad and eager, "Where's the raft? got her in a good place?" I says: "Why, that's just what I was going to ask your grace." Then he didn't look so joyful, and says: "What was your idea for asking ME?" he says.

The coachman, who was playing at draughts with the head groom, looked up for an instant, then silently made his move. "My lady's a-fainting, and my lord's calling for water! Where's Ivan, I say? 'tis his business to fetch it." "There's Ivan," said the cook, pointing contemptuously to a sandy-haired figure fast asleep under the table.

Jim told Ford about the affair with sober face and eyes that laughed. "And where's Dick?" Ford asked him, without committing himself upon the justice of the chastisement. "Gone to bed, I believe. He didn't come out with anything worse than bumps, I guess but what I saw of them are sure peaches; or maybe Italian prunes would hit them off closer; they're a fine purple shade.

It was not far to go, or a difficult operation, so the others followed. Then they manned the crane, by which a chain with a big hook to it was lowered into the hold, as if to fish for something. And a bale having been caught, it was wound up, slewed round, and deposited on the deck. When this had been going on a little time Strachan called out "Where's Gubbins?"

"Where's that outlaw you won from Jim Wilder?" he inquired, turning his eyes on Lambert in friendly appreciation. "I'll ride him," Lambert returned briefly. "What's Kerr been up to?" "Mortgaged a bunch of cattle he's got over there to three different banks. He was down a couple of days ago tryin' to put through another loan. The investigation that banker started laid him bare.

John and George had volunteered their services for the latter purpose and about fifteen minutes after their departure George was seen returning to the dock, his arms well laden with packages of fruit and sandwiches. "Where's String?" Fred asked as his friend stepped on board and deposited his packages. "I don't know. I lost him up here." "Poor John. Lost in Poughkeepsie.

Disturbed, he raised his head and caught sight of Hugo. They gazed at one another by the flickering candle. 'Where's the man who helped you? Hugo demanded faintly. He had not much heart, much force, much firmness left. Ravengar's eyes, at once empty and significant, blank and yet formidable, startled him. He had the revolver and the handcuffs in his pocket, but he could not have used them.

He has found where I bend and waver. 'I recognize your chivalry, Nevil. 'He has done his best to train me to be of some service. Where's the chivalry in owning a debt? He is one of our true warriors; fearless and blameless. I have had my heroes before. You know how I loved Robert Hall: his death is a gap in my life. He is a light for fighting Englishmen who fight with the sword.