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Nice, soft spot he fell into." "It was I that came near falling," said Agnes, gravely, "and it wasn't a soft spot at all under that tree. I'd have been hurt if it hadn't been for Neale." "Hel-lo!" exclaimed Neale's uncle, sharply. "What's this all about? That rascal been playin' the hero again? My, my! It ought to be a big drawin' card when we play this town in August.

He was tacitly explaining the bill he had submitted, but Doris did not hear him. What had she heard? Insistently the question repeated itself in her mind. She turned dizzily, and went back for the coat. As she did so she heard Burke's voice. "Why hel-lo!" Even in that moment she observed its modulation. It had begun on a note of cheery surprise and ended on one of sharp concern.

"Hel-lo!" he said, finally, uncrossing a knee grown slightly corpulent and his rather small eyes crinkling to slits. "Hel-lo!" She was arch and laughed back. "A bad penny, you see." He swung a chair toward her without rising. "Turned up, didn't you? Good."

Wilson and Tom drew deep breaths, and after some general chat about the tragedy, Pudd'nhead said, taking Tom's hand: "Now, Tom, I've never had a look at your palms, as it happens; perhaps you've got some little questionable privacies that need hel-lo!" Tom had snatched away his hand, and was looking a good deal confused. "Why, he's blushing!" said Luigi.

Beyond lay the corrals of peeled cottonwood, and a square house standing out stark and naked in the supreme ugliness of corrugated iron, yet still oddly homelike in a land where shelter was scarce. As he gazed, a mighty voice rose up to him from the midst of the turmoil, the blatting of calves, the mooing of cows and the hoarse thunder of mountain bulls: "Hel-lo, Rufe!"

She paused to regale herself with a glance into the grove of magnificent elms with lawns and bright gardens beyond for the Wright place filled the entire square between Broad and Myrtle Streets and from Main to Monroe. She was starting on when she saw among the trees a young man in striped flannels. At the same instant he saw her. "Hel-lo, Susie!" he cried. "I was thinking about you."

When I say that I do not know what happened to the box, you will please understand that " "Here comes Digger Dan now, carrying something." "No Indian ever carried anything in baskets slung on a pole!" "Hel-lo, Missie Jo, how you do?" blandly remarked Digger Dan's double. "Hop Sing!" "Ketchem Missa Land's money, nis bas-a-kit." "What's in the other one. Makern heap easy carry-em."

Hel-lo, Jim! Darn your case-hardened old hide, but I'm glad to see you! Wait till I unclamp my fingers from this suit case handle and I'll shake hands. Whoa look out!! That's the fourth time that chap's tried to tag me with his automobile baggage truck. He'll get me yet. I wish I were a trunk, Jim. Why aren't they as kind to the poor traveler as they are to his trunk?

Once at the bottom of the stairs, this one expressed amazement in a whisper, to avoid rousing their landlady, who held, unreasonably, that it detracted from the tone of her establishment for gentlemen boarders to rush the growler.... "Hel-lo! We thought you must've got lost in the shuffle." "Did you?" said P. Sybarite absently. "Where's Molly?" "Miss Lessing?" P. Sybarite looked surprised.

But I'm not quite as scared as I was then. Guess I'm growing up. Hel-lo! here's our cunning Spanish Inquisition rubbering out of the next window." The window of the mathematics class-room, next to the faculty-room, had opened. The young professor who was pursuing Carl peppered the night with violent words delivered in a rather pedagogic voice. "Well, sir! We have you!