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"She preached on the Green last night; an' she's laid hold of Chad's Bess, as the girl's been i' fits welly iver sin'." "Well, Bessy Cranage is a hearty-looking lass; I daresay she'll come round again, Joshua. Did anybody else go into fits?" "No, sir, I canna say as they did.

Welly hope Mellican mans get enough gold now." "Don't be sarcastic, now, Suan," I answered; "as if it were possible to have enough!" "For my part," said Firm, who had been unusually silent all the evening, "I wish it had never been found at all. As sure as I stand here, mischief will come of it. It will break up our household.

"Pretty well done well, yes, I suppose it was: Welly Bry's got his back up and don't mean to let go till he's got the hang of the thing. Of course, there were things here and there things Mrs. Fisher couldn't be expected to see to the champagne wasn't cold, and the coats got mixed in the coat-room. I would have spent more money on the music.

He used to say, "He was welly stawed wi' eating, for there were three or four houses where nowt would serve 'em but he must share in their breakfast;" and by the time he had done his last breakfast, he came to some other friend who was beginning dinner; but come what might in the way of temptation, Tom was always sober, civil, and smiling; and, as Miss Jenkyns used to say, it was a lesson in patience, that she doubted not would call out that precious quality in some minds, where, but for Thomas, it might have lain dormant and undiscovered.

"Eh!" said Lisbeth, "that's very well for ye to talk, as looks welly like the snowdrop-flowers as ha' lived for days an' days when I'n gethered 'em, wi' nothin' but a drop o' water an' a peep o' daylight; but th' hungry foulks had better leave th' hungry country. It makes less mouths for the scant cake.

Welly, at the head, seemed almost to skim over the bushes; and after him came Fanny, Feliciana, Childers, and the other fleet ones, the spaniels and terriers; and then behind, followed the heavy corps bulldogs, etc., for we had every breed. Pursuit by us was in vain, and in about half an hour a few of them would come panting and straggling back.

He hasn't tasted tea," she explained to me, "since we left Outland." "And that weren't good tea!" said Bruno. "It were so welly weak!" Lady Muriel's smile of welcome could not quite conceal the look of surprise with which she regarded my new companions. I presented them in due form. "This is Sylvie, Lady Muriel. And this is Bruno." "Any surname?" she enquired, her eyes twinkling with fun.

Ah Loy put the fiery spirit to his lips, and began to drink in slow sips, as a connoisseur sips port wine. "Good heavens," said Carew, "it'll burn the teeth out of his head." The Chinee sipped away, pausing to let the delicate fluid roll well into the tender part of his mouth and throat. "Welly stlong!" he said at last; but he finished the lot.

Bruno whispered to Sylvie, when they had got well out of hearing. "He were so welly cross!" And he not only patted their Royal escort, but even hugged him round the neck in the exuberance of his delight. His Majesty calmly wagged the Royal tail. "It's quite a relief," he said, "getting away from that Palace now and then! Royal Dogs have a dull life of it, I can tell you!

"Ain't that for all the world like a camp-meetin', when a reformed ring-tail roarer calls out to the minister, 'That's a fact, Welly Fobus, by Gosh; amen! or when preacher says, 'Who will be saved? answers, 'Me and the boys, throw us a hen-coop; the galls will drift down stream on a bale o' cotton. Well then, our very lowest, and their very highest, don't always act pretty, that's a fact.