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Updated: August 14, 2024

He'd show the world that th' real leaders o' the strike were not such as Boucher, but steady thoughtful men; good hands, and good citizens, who were friendly to law and judgment, and would uphold order; who only wanted their right wage, and wouldn't work, even though they starved, till they got 'em; but who would ne'er injure property or life: For, dropping her voice, 'they do say, that Boucher threw a stone at Thornton's sister, that welly killed her.

'Did th' owd powse say that, lass? cried Milly's mother. 'I nobbud wish I'd yerd him. He's lived more nor thirty year baat one, an' a bonny speciment he is. Bud it's a gradely job for th' woman 'at missed him. He were welly weddin' Malachi o' th' Mount's wife once over. 'Yi; hoo'd a lucky miss, an' no mistak'. But happen hoo'd ha' snapped him. 'Never, lad.

"An' theer's welly newt else but snow an' ice. A young chap as set out fro' here to get theer froze to death on th' way." "How did you get to hear about it?" "Ann she browt me a paper onet." He dug under his pillow, and brought out a piece of newspaper, worn and frayed and cut with age and usage. "This heer's what's left of it."

I should ha' been sure of her then, as she wouldn't go away from me to Snowfield, welly thirty mile off, and me not got a creatur to look to, only neighbours, as are no kin to me, an' most of 'em women as I'd be ashamed to show my face, if my dairy things war like their'n. There may well be streaky butter i' the market.

Robson saw some reason for changing her mind on this head as she watched Sylvia this night, for she accompanied Philip to the door, when the time came for him to start homewards, and bade him 'good-night' with unusual fervour, adding 'Thou'st been a deal o' comfort to me, lad a'most as one as if thou wert a child o' my own, as at times I could welly think thou art to be.

She lay like a carven statue, her face marble white in the clear morning light. 'I'm a'most doubtful about wakin' her, said her mother. 'Theer's no doubt as Samson gi'en her a shock, an' sleep's good for her. But her's had welly fifteen hours of it now, if she's been asleep all the tima Julia, my love, she said softly, almost in the sleeper's ear. 'My sakes, how pale her is. Jenny! come here!

Wainwright withdrew, and her husband, left to himself, proceeded to relieve his feelings by tossing his pillows over the back of the chair, and extricating his suffering limb from the blankets. "I'm welly smoored," he remarked indignantly, half aloud, "welly smoored I am. They reckon I'm a babby to be croodled and cossetted this gate.

Jenny came to the only clump of trees in her line of progress between the gate and the house the little scream of surprise with which she found herself suddenly face to face with an unexpected human figure was justified. 'Sh-h-h! 'said the figure's owner. 'Don't you know me, Aunt Jenny? 'Dick! said Mrs. Jenny, peering at him. 'So it is. You welly frightened the life out o' me.

When yo' see yor own go aat o' th' haas feet fermost, and yo' know it's for good an' o', there's summat taan aat o' yo' that nothin' ever maks up for at afterwards. I wor a long time afore I forgave th' Almeety for takin' aar Joe. And all the time I owed Him a grudge, and kep' on blamin' Him like; I got wurr and wurr, until I welly went mad.

Do it gently, man, but do it quick, for we canna leave him here long. 'I canna go, said Higgins. 'Dunnot ask me. I canna face her. 'Thou knows her best, said the man. 'We'n done a deal in bringing him here thou take thy share. 'I canna do it, said Higgins. 'I'm welly felled wi' seeing him. We wasn't friends; and now he's dead. 'Well, if thou wunnot thou wunnot. Some one mun, though.

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