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It is nozing to me.” “Well, my dear Baron,” said Mr Bunker, like a man persuaded against his will, “what can I say? I confess I might find a little difficulty in replenishing my purse without resorting to disagreeable means, and if you really wish my society, why——” “Zen it is a bairgain?” cried the Baron. “If you insist——” “I insist. Vaiter! Alzo two ozzer liqueur.

"For our lamented past: I supposed you would have the air of a Nonconformist beadle." "My friend!" said the Baron eagerly, and yet with a lowering of his voice, "I vould not like to engage a beadle mit jost ze same feelings as me. Come here to zis corner and let us talk! Vaiter! whisky soda cigars all for two. Come, Bonker!"

"Den I take his hant, ant says, 'Why say you so, Papa? Come wis me, ant I will say you somesing. Ant Papa come, ant we seat togezer at ze publics-house, ant me sayt, 'Vaiter, give us one Bierkrug, ant he gives us one. We trink altogezer, and broser Johann also trink. 'Papa, sayt me, 'ton't say zat you have only one son, ant wis it you must separate, My heart was breaking ven you say sis.

He is a very amusing character, being exceedingly proud, and will only obey his own master, whom he calls his great inkosi or chief. He is always lamenting the advent of the inkosi-casa, or chieftainess, and the piccaninnies and their following, especially the "vaiter," whom he detests.

In his way, Charlie is a wag, and it is as good as a play to see his pretence of stupidity when the "vaiter" or French butler desires him to go and eat "sa paniche."

"Well, Gustav," said that gentleman in French as the foreigner approached him, where he waited in the outer lobby. "Eh bien, man cher," replied the other, "'ow 'appy I am to see you. I can speak ze Englise foine, n'est ce pas?" "What are you doing in London?" "I am vaiter, garcon at ze private hotel. 'Zey give me foods and drinks and one black coat, but not no vage.

"See arter the TIMES, Thomas; let me look at the MORNIN' HERALD, when it's out o' hand; don't forget to bespeak the CHRONICLE; and just bring the 'TIZER, vill you:" and then he'd set vith his eyes fixed on the clock, and rush out, just a quarter of a minit 'fore the time to waylay the boy as wos a-comin' in with the evenin' paper, which he'd read with sich intense interest and persewerance as worked the other customers up to the wery confines o' desperation and insanity, 'specially one i-rascible old gen'l'm'n as the vaiter wos always obliged to keep a sharp eye on, at sich times, fear he should be tempted to commit some rash act with the carving-knife.

It iss dot I go in a restaurant, und order a meal. Der vaiter he brings me some cheese und I am so thoughtfulness dot I put red pepper and horse radish on it. Den, ven I eat it I jumps ofer der table alretty yet. Dot is a fine part!" and he laughed gleefully, for Mr. Switzer was a simple soul. A little later Alice and Ruth were given their new parts to study.

Schultze, a huge blond German, sitting at a table in an alcove, alone, gazing out upon Fifth Avenue in deep abstraction, with perplexed wrinkles about his blue eyes. The German glanced around at Latham quickly as he proceeded to draw out a chair on the opposite side of the table. "Sid down, Laadham, sid down," he invited explosively. "I haf yust send der vaiter to der delephone to ask "

The Baron seemed struck with an idea which he hesitated to express. “Shall we smoke?” his friend suggested. “Vaiter!” cried the Baron, “bring here two best cigars and two coffee!” “A liqueur, Baron?” “Ach, yah. Vat for you?” “A liqueur brandy suggests itself.” “Vaiter! and two brandy.” “And now,” said the Baron, “I haf an idea, Bonker.”