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Then our friend George has not been doing anything particularly villainous?" "'Deed an' 'deed I ain't, boss. I's only wantin' tuh git outen dis kentry. I's got a darter married, an' livin' at Chattanooga. If I kin on'y git up dar, she'd nigh die wid happiness. An' if I felt a little stronger I'd try an' walk de hull way, so I would, young marse!" exclaimed the other eagerly.

Accordingly, they turned back, heading for the friendly barn, attracted, doubtless, by fond memories of those comfortable beds in the sweet hay. "How about the bulldog, Johnny?" asked Elmer, as they reached the barn entrance. "I'm meanin' tuh git Mose up yonder, and tie him tuh the tree," replied the boy. "Them turks hes gut tuh be looked arter, if I hes tuh stay up all night tuh do the trick.

"Well, 'tain't no use acryin' over spilt milk, they sez," remarked Johnny, who, after all, seemed to be of a philosophical turn of mind; "the thing's done, an' that's all they is tuh hit. Might as well git Mose and fix him here tuh the tree. Them turks has jes' gut tuh be saved, no matter how much trouble it takes."

"The fellers they sez I dassent cross over tuh t'other end uh the bridge; an' I allowed it could be done easy like," he went on to say; "what d'ye think 'bout me adoin' the same? Is she safe enough?" "We wouldn't be here if we didn't think so," Max told him; "and I guess there isn't any more danger on the other side than in the middle." "T'anks!"

So don't yuh go tuh worryin' 'bout gettin' on short rations, my boy," remarked Kim. Stallings, after he had talked with the other for some little time. "That's awful fine of you to say so, Mr. Stalling. Perhaps we'll take you up, though my chum is against running in debt a cent.

"You say your father worked was he a farm hand?" Max asked. "Naw. Dad he's a travelin' printer, an' a good un, too, mistah. But he jest cain't stay ennywhere long. He's got gypsy blood, yuh see, and the travel bug he sez is in his body. So arter a little we gets out on the road again tuh see the sights." "A traveling printer, eh?" remarked Bandy-legs; "say, that's kind of queer now.

Le'm keep 'is money; I keep my black skin an' keep out the ground!" Mr. Jackson expressed the same preference. "Yessuh, he look tuh me like somebody awready laid out," he concluded. And upon the stairway landing, near by, two old women, on all-fours at their work, were likewise pessimistic. "Hech!" said one, lamenting in a whisper.

But, now, the look of fear left his face, though there still remained that expression of agony. "Reckon as how he's goin' tuh cash in, stranger," he said; and Max grasped the meaning of his words, although they were next door to Greek to Bandy-legs. "Who do you mean by saying he?" asked Max. "Dad," answered the forlorn specimen, drawing down the corners of his mouth. "Is he sick?" continued Max.

Perhaps she had not heard such a pleasant voice for ages; and dim echoes of some far off past had been awakened. "Sho I kin, stranger. It be the second house 'long. Hyah, Danny, yuh gwine tuh show these hyah gentlemen the Stormway place. Git a move on yuh, now, er I'll peel the hide from yuh back, sho.

Ef so be yuh ain't outen the county by then it's touch an' go with yuh. A hundred dollars tuh the man as draps yuh," remarked the official, with a dreadful calmness. "Twelve hours is a might short time tuh do it hin, sheriff; but I'll make the try, sho. I'm sick o' this place, anyway."