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Updated: August 28, 2024

"He is though, lad," said the Parson at the window, very quiet. Kit was beside him in a minute. The mattress was down, and the Parson, leaning out into the blue, both hands on the sill, munched his thoughts. "There's his tops'ls," said he, nodding east to where far across the waters a glimmer as of an iceberg hung in the dawn. "Take the glass and have a peep at her."

'Twould be better than standin' trial for bein' caught on a blackguard of a slaver bad luck to her." "We must make the best of it," began Ralph, when Gary's voice interrupted him. "Hoist away there, men!" cried the captain, brandishing his arms furiously. "Up with that fo's'l! Up with it, I say! Ease away on those tops'ls. Lively now! Haul away on that jib. Flatten 'em, boys!"

"If them there tops'ls weren't cut by an English sail-maker, I'm ready to pass for a Schiedam drinking big-breeched Dutchman for the rest of my born days," observed Job Truefitt, in a decisive tone, as standing up on the forecastle deck, and holding on by the mast, he shaded his eyes with his hand, and took a severe scrutiny of the stranger. "Maybe I've handed them more than once and again."

With a rattle and whir the two great sails went soaring up in the darkness, and the Shiner leaped forward, her lee rail almost flush to the sea. "She's a great boat," said Colin to one of the men near him; "I shouldn't have thought she could have stood the tops'ls." The fisherman looked at him.

Gave me cash and threw in a lot of bait, so I'll stay right out here and get another load. Petty good for a Jonah what? Ha, ha!" The man roared exasperatingly. "Damnation!" rapped out Schofield. "Lively now! Tops'ls on her, and two of you stay aloft to shift tacks if we should need to come about." "Hey, you!" bawled Stetson as the Lass began to heel to the great sweep of the wind.

Yis, we wor aboord her roight enuf; an' Oi heerd the bo'sun poipe to `make sail, an' the order guv 'way aloft, lay out on the yards an' loose tops'ls. Thin Oi thinks ez how Oi'm ashore, ez will ez aboord; an' Oi says the Active a-sailin' out o' harbour, ez nate ez ye plaize wid all her upper sails an' flyin' jib, an' fore-topmast stays'l set!"

His dory was beached alongside the pier where the Charming Lass had lain for the past week. Now, as he approached it, he suddenly stopped, rooted in his tracks. The Charming Lass was gone. "All dories aboard? All hands set tops'ls! Jimmie Thomas, ease your mainsheet! Now, boys, altogether! Yo! Sway 'em flat! Yo! Once more! Yo! Fine! Stand by to set balloon jib!"

"Got something on him?" "These here questions, they ain't polite, Shorty," grinned Nash. "All right. You do the leadin' in this game and I'll jest follow suit. But lay your course with nothin' but the tops'ls flyin', because I've got an idea we're goin' to hit a hell of a storm before we get back to port, Steve." "For my part," answered Nash, "I'm gettin' used to rough weather."

Mick and I scrambled up, almost out of breath, into the mizzen-top; which we hardly reached before we heard the commodore give the next order necessary to enable us to take in the reef "Weather tops'l braces, round in! Lower the tops'ls!" Next followed our own especial order "Trice up and lay out!"

He looked now at Captain Hamilton for permission to make sail. The latter signed to him to go ahead. Useless to pay towage with a favoring wind and flowing tide. Ditty bawled to the crew: "Break her out, bullies! H'ist away tops'ls!" The halyards were promptly manned. One man started the chorus that jerked the main topsail aloft. "Oh, come all you little yaller boys An' roll the cotton down!

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