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To a gamekeeper who came out after his lad, sapling ash in hand, he had that to say which convinced the man of his authority. "'A says to me, 'There's a covey of ten in thicky holler, where you could see neither land nor bird.

"Think twice, Joe; you caan't bring back your lass, nor wash her sins white. 'Tis tu late." "No, not that, but I can I'm in God's hand for this. Us be tools, an' He uses all for His awn ends. I sees whereto I was born now, an' the future be writ clear afore my eyes. Thicky madman theer said the word; an' I lay the Lard put it in en for my better light.

"If thicky galley keeps as she is going for another five minutes, Dick, she'll be stuck so hard and fast in that same mud that she'll have something else to think about than chasing us. Ah!" as the boat luffed round a small mangrove-covered island, and the galley was shut out from view, "there goes their last chance of hitting us with their footy ordnance with a murrain on them!"

Sentiment was at its flood just then, and he spoke a few words under his breath. "'Tis thicky auld Muscovy duck, roostin' on his li'l island; poor lone devil wi' never a mate to fight for nor friend to swim along with. Worse case than mine, come to think on it!" Then an emotion, rare enough with him, vanished, and he sniffed the night air and felt his heart beat high at thoughts of what lay ahead.

So Samuel took a look over to see that all was quiet, and there, in the midst, he marked a big girl struggling with a sloe-bush! But, quick though he was, she'd seen him first, and before he could call out and order her back to the road and take her name, she cried out to him: "Will 'e lend me a hand, Mister Policeman, if you please? I be catched in thicky sloan tree."

So far 's I can make out, there's a gurt wide street runnin' right down to the shore yonder, just in a line wi' thicky big white house atop of the hill; and if we was anchored in line wi' thicky street, our shot 'd sweep un from end to end and, unless I be greatly mistaken, would play havoc wi' some of they big buildin's, the tops of which you can see over t'other houses, and which I thinks may be Gov'ment buildin's of some sort ay, and I be right, too, for, look 'e there, dashed if they ain't hoistin' the Spanish flag upon the biggest of 'em now."

Look at thicky cat, breakin' her heart, poor twoad!" Mr. Bartlett was justly angry that Joan could dare to thus class his priceless red-headed twins with a litter of dead kittens, and he said more than was wise, ramming home a truth, and that coarsely. "Theer's plenty more wheer them comed from, I lay. Nachur's so free, you see tu free like sometimes.

"And we did so, too; or should have done so, rather, if thicky stone had not cracked my skull for me." "Precisely," agreed Stukely. "If your skull had not been cracked, and if we had both contrived to get back to the ship, as some of the others appear to have done. But it is just those little ifs, my dear Dick, that rule the destinies of men.

And when the first beams were bridged across two walls... The funny thing was that the men's fingers were thicky and clumsy. Never could such fingers pick up a pin! And still they would manoeuvre a hundredweight of timber to a pin's point. The house was at the corner of Trafalgar Road and a side-street that had lobbied cottages down its slope.

There, in the main masses of the shrub, mossy brown buds in clumps foretold future splendor. But already much gold had burst the sheath and was ablaze, scenting the pure air, murmured over by many bees. "You could a'most pick thicky theer flowers," declared Joan of the picture. "Perhaps presently, when they are painted as I hope to paint them.