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As the boys that night sat leaning against a log which they had made soft with masses of long gray moss, watching the dying out of the fire which had cooked their supper, another skiff touched at their bank, bringing the man to whom they had given the salt and also carrying the carcass of a fine buck. "There, boys, better smoke what yer can't eat by termorrer. I'll show yer how."

OH, whar shill we go w'en de great day comes, Wid de blowin' er de trumpits en de bangin' er de drums? How many po' sinners'll be kotched out late En fin' no latch ter de golden gate? No use fer ter wait twel termorrer! De sun mus'n't set on yo' sorrer, Sin's ez sharp ez a bamboo-brier- Oh, Lord! fetch de mo'ners up higher!

De time is right now, en dish yer's de place Let de sun er salvashun shine squar' in yo' face; Fight de battles er de Lord, fight soon en fight late, En you'll allers fine a latch ter de golden gate. No use fer ter wait twel termorrer, De sun musn't set on yo' sorrer Sin's ez sharp ez a bamboo-brier, Ax de Lord fer ter fetch you up higher! OH, de worril is roun' en de worril is wide Lord!

I'll allow ye'll all be chilly and damp from river-mist afore long, so toast yerselves good." "How far have we come to-day?" inquired Mr. Wells, his mind always intent on reaching the scene of his cherished undertaking. "'Bout thirty-odd mile, I reckon. Not much on a trip, thet's sartin, but we'll pick up termorrer. We've some quicker water, an' the rafts hev to go separate."

"Ef we kin hold 'em at hit till ther crack of day, we've got a right gay chanst ter save them big sticks," he announced bluntly to Brent near midnight. "But hit hain't in reason ter expect men ter plum kill themselves off fer ther profit of somebody else an' him likely ter be dead by termorrer." "Could McGivins have kept them in line himself?" demanded Brent and the Parson scratched his head.

What's ther matter, gal? Ye looks like ye'd been seein' hants." "I hain't seed nothin' else fer days past," she declared, almost hysterically. "I've done sickened with waitin', Uncle Jase, an' I aimed ter start out soon termorrer mornin', letter or no letter."

Maybe ye think ye kin git away in this kintry, but I'll show ye. Damn nice trick yer two played, wa'n't it? The lafe will be on 'tother side afore termorrer night. No, I won't shet up, an' ye can't make me ye ain't done with this job yet. Curse ye, Tim Kennedy, let up on thet." "Now gag him, Tim," I said quietly. "Yes, use the neckerchief. He can do more damage with his mouth than any other way.

I wouldn' be surprised if yer got acrorss termorrer." He went on unwinding the bandage, but the man began to shout and struggle again. Thereupon the surgeon intervened: "For God's sake be quiet. Pull yourself together and don't make such a fuss." "I can't 'elp it, sir I couldn't never stick no pain, sir, no, sir, never, sir it's very painful, sir, very painful.

"Of course, I'd like to box some more; but I haven't time to-day." "First lesson's over, then," Pete announced. "Come back termorrer and I'll give yer another." "How long will it be before I learn to box well?" Cuffy inquired. "You might learn next time," Pete said, "Better try it, anyhow," he advised. "All right!" Cuffy said.

"Bill Jones, an' 'im's Sammie Robinson," replied Cleek quickly. "I'm much obliged to yer, sir. Any one know where we kin get a shake-down for the night? Time enough ter look for lodgin's termorrer." It was the barmaid's turn to speak, and she rested her rather heavy person against the bar and touched Cleek's shoulder. "Mother, she 'as lodgers, dearie," she said in a coaxing voice.