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Updated: August 16, 2024

When he's got wife and children both, he oughter go it easy and stop off short and quick; but when he's got children and no wife, and just a slim little gal like Lucy to look after things, why, he ought never even to look toward a green door? I ain't no teetotaller, goodness knows! But men 't ain't got no sense oughtn't to be fathers. Guess that's why I'm an old bach," laughing a little.

Even making due allowance for the difficulty of walking evenly there at any time, Miss Mapp could not help thinking that a teetotaller would have made a better job of it than that.

"I might have to tramp two or three hundred miles before I get a cut* or a job, and if to-morrow didn't find me nearer than to-day I'd starve or die of thirst on a dry stretch." "Why don't you get married and settle down, Mitchell?" asked Peter, a little tired. "You're a teetotaller." "If I got married I couldn't settle down," said Mitchell. "I reckon I'd be the loneliest man in Australia."

When I first met him, or very soon afterwards, Tom G. was a teetotaller, and I have always had immense admiration for the strength of will which enabled him to conquer completely the drink habit, for he freely admitted that he was entirely mastered by it in his younger days.

He was a small man, always dressed in clothes a little too small, with his whole mind given up to the subject of his profession; besides which he was religious, a non-smoker, a teetotaller, and particular upon these points.

"Teetotaller?" he said. "I dare say you're right, though I take a whisky-and-soda myself when I get the chance." "You'll no get it here," said McMunn; "and what's more, you'll no' get it on any ship owned by me." "Thank you. It's as well to understand before-hand." "I'm a believer in speaking plain," said McMunn. "There's ay less chance of trouble afterwards if a man speaks plain at the start.

Fenellan's graphic sketch of the teetotaller woman seeing her admirer pursued by Eumenides flagons abominations of emptiness to the banks of the black river of suicides, where the one most wretched light is Inebriation's nose; and of the vegetarian violoncello's horror at his vision of the long procession of the flocks and herds into his lady's melodious Ark of a mouth, excited and delighted her antipathy.

"The Lord be praised!" cried Old Crow, rising from his seat, and grasping the hand of his companion with all his might. "I shall love you twice over now. I'm an old teetotaller myself; and have been these many years. Come, you tell me your tale; and when we've had our tea, I'll tell you mine."

But she won't be able to do that if she allows herself to be upset!" "I'm so sorry please forgive me!" Rose, to her own measureless relief, had stopped laughing, but she felt oddly faint and queer. Sir Jacques poured out a very small wineglassful of brandy, and made her drink it. How odd to have a bottle of brandy here, in Mr. Robey's study! Mr. Robey was a teetotaller.

Shaynor clutched the counter, his handkerchief to his lips. When he brought it away I saw two bright red stains. "I I've got a bit of a rasped throat from smoking cigarettes," he panted. "I think I'll try a cubeb." "Better take some of this. I've been compounding while you've been away." I handed him the brew. "'Twon't make me drunk, will it? I'm almost a teetotaller. My word!

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