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"Py Cot, it is for no other cause that I know than his honour's pleasure; for the creature might hae gone on in a decent quiet way for me, sae lang as he respectit the Duke's pounds put reason goot he suld be taen, and hangit to poet, if it may pleasure ony honourable shentleman that is the Duke's friend Sae I got the express over night, and I caused warn half a score of pretty lads, and was up in the morning pefore the sun, and I garr'd the lads take their kilts and short coats."

In a moment more he was shown into the study, and was passing through it to go to the cottage-room, when Johnston laid his hand on his arm. 'The maister's no up yet, sir, he said, with a very solemn look. 'He's been desperate efter seein' ye, and I maun gang an' lat him ken 'at ye're here at last, for fear it suld be ower muckle for him, seein' ye a' at ance.

But as soon as he thought her ladyship fairly out of hearing, he bounced up in his nest. "The foul fa' ye, that I suld say sae," he cried out to his mother, "for a lang-tongued clavering wife, as my father, honest man, aye ca'd ye! Couldna ye let the leddy alane wi' your whiggery?

"Why suld I hope when 'I know that my Redeemer liveth'?" Edith's eyes filled with wistful tears, for the quaint talk of these old people suggested a hope and faith that she knew nothing of. But, in a low voice, she said, "Why does God let his creatures suffer so much?" "Bless your heart, puir child, He suffered mair than ony on us," said Malcom tenderly. "But ye'll learn it a' soon.

I dinna see that she suld be sae feared for her ain bonny bargain o' a gudeman, and that I shouldna reverence Mr. Butler just as much; and sae I'll e'en tell him, when that tippling body the Captain has ta'en boat in the morning.

This was a lassie wi' black hair, and e'en like the new wood the minister has his dinner-table, wi' the fine name what ca' ye that, now?" "Mahogany?" said I. "Ay, it has some sic fremit soun'," said old Elspie, rather scornfully. 'Tis the finest thing going for keeping a lassie in gude health, and it suld be drinkit in the spring. Atweel, what's her name wi' the copper-colourit e'en?"

"Ay, an' waur: he got entangled wi' the kirk on an unlucky sculduddery business, an' has been writing bitter, wicked ballads on a' the guid ministers in the country ever syne. I'm vexed it's on them he suld hae fallen; an' yet they hae been to blame too." "Robert Burns so entangled, so occupied!" I exclaimed; "you grieve and astonish me."

The secret was, therefore, in their own family, and Jenny was resolved it should remain so. "For, to be sure," she said, "although her lady and Halliday kend Mr. Morton by broad daylight, that was nae reason I suld own to kenning him in the gloaming and by candlelight, and him keeping his face frae Cuddie and me a' the time."

He gave it Christie, word for word, and even threw in what dramatists call "the business," thus: "Here ye suld greet " "Here ye'll play your hand like a geraffe." "Geraffe? That's a beast, I'm thinking." "Na; it's the thing on the hill that makes signals." "Telegraph, ye fulish goloshen!" "Oo ay, telegraph! Geraffe 's sunest said for a'."

But if Miss Edith kend that he was living, and if she were standing before the very minister wi' Lord Evandale when it was tauld to her, I'se warrant she wad say No when she suld say Yes." "Weel," replied Cuddie, "and what's my business wi' that? If Miss Edith likes her auld joe better than her new ane, what for suld she no be free to change her mind like other folk?