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Updated: August 17, 2024

'Twarn't no bigger 'n a baby hazelnut, but, sho's yo' born, chillen, dat ring cost ten hundred dollars!" "That was a diamond," said Lilly in an awed voice. "I never expect to have one if I live to be a thousand years old." "Chillen," said Maum' Hepsey, lowering her voice, "why don't you git Miss Nanny to let you open dat trunk in de attic?" "Whose is it, Maum' Hepsey?"

Fo' de good Laud, dat's de time dey miss der cotch. Dis darky was done gone when dey comed. I know'd dey'd be dar sometime for dis cat, and Marfa, too. I tells you, dey want her, dey do. She know how to cook and do things, she do. Be a cole day when dey gits dis cat agin, sho's you born'd. "Aunt Martha came in and said to Ham: "'What you doin' heah, Ham?

"Oh, yer'll git a whippin', Als'on, sho's yer bawn." "No: I won't take a floggin' from that brute." "Oh, Als'on, yer jis' got ter: yer can't he'p the miserbulness. No use runnin' 'way: they'd ketch yer an' bring yer back. Thar's nigger-hunters an' blood-houn's all roun' this yer naberhood. Yer couldn't git 'way ter save yer life."

"Solomon," said the Colonel severely, "what are you trying to say? Talk sense." "Sho's yuh bohn, Marse Cunnel; it's de libbin' truf I's tellin' yuh. Dat ha'nt has fotched dat chicken right outen de oven, an' it's vanished in de air." "You go out and bring that chicken in and don't let me hear another word." "I cayn't, Marse Cunnel, 'deed I cayn't. Dere ain't no chicken dere." "Very well, then!

Des ez sho's you er settin' dar lissenin' dey wuz a live Yankee up dar in dat tree, en he wuz a loadin' en a shootin' at de boys des ez cool es a cowcumber in de jew, en he had his hoss hitch out in de bushes, kaze I year de creetur tromplin' 'roun'. He had a spy-glass up dar, en w'iles I wuz a watchin' un 'im, he raise 'er up en look thoo 'er, en den he lay 'er down en fix his gun fer ter shoot.

Ole Uncle Peter has had a lot er bad luck in his day, but he has fell on his feet dis time, suh, sho's you bawn. I'm right glad to see you, suh. I feels closer to you, suh, than I does to mos' white folks, because you know, colonel, I'm livin' in the same house you wuz bawn in." "Oh, you are the Nichols, are you, who bought our old place?" "Yes, suh, William Nichols, at yo' service, suh.

I dunno who killt 'im, en I doan wanter know, fer I 'd be mos' sho' ter fin' out dat my boy had sta'ted de fuss. Ef I 'd 'a' had a son lack you, Brer Dan, I 'd 'a' be'n a proud nigger; oh, yas, I would, sho's you bawn. But you ain' lookin' ez well ez you oughter, Brer Dan. Dey's sump'n de matter wid you, en w'at 's mo', I 'spec' you dunno w'at it is.

"Hadn't we better try to get down there, and help those men out?" suggested Harry. "Perhaps they are not dead yet." "Aunt Debby, thet thar hoss thet's rain' his head an' whinnyin'," said Fortner, with sudden interest, "is Joel Sprigg's roan geldin', sho's yore bo'n, honey." He pointed to where a shapely head was raised, and almost human agony looked out of great liquid eyes.

Late in the afternoon Tom Hersey and two or three others were talking together near the post-office. "Now, f'r instance, what right had he to give that boy first honors! As sho's you're a foot high, that's a piece o' pyo log-rollin'." Doctor Coffin came by. "Doctor, I understand Mrs. March has arrived. I hope the Jedge is betteh, seh. What?

The young man with the bandage round his head, on the benches across the lists, had forced his way to the front row and was leaning against the railing. His restless eye was attracted by the falling handkerchief, and his face, hitherto anxious, suddenly lit up with animation. "Yas, suh, yas, suh, it's her!" he muttered softly. "It's Miss Rena, sho's you bawn.

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