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Updated: August 17, 2024

I dunno w'at makes me kyar so much er bout'n her no way; dar's plenty er likelier gals'n her, an' I jes' b'lieve dat's er trick nigger; anyhow she's tricked me, sho's yer born; an' ef'n I didn't b'long ter nobody, I'd jump right inter dis creek an' drown myse'f.

She had been waving and calling greetings in every direction for a pleasant half-hour. Now eleven had boomed from the town-hall clock, and a general restlessness and wiltedness began to affect the waiting crowds. Barry immediately dangled almost his entire length across the window sill, and screwed his person about for a look. "H'yar dey come, li'l miss, sho's yo' bawn!" he announced joyfully.

He dun make a fire wid water once, sho's you're born. 'Sides dat, I'se dun heah de gentlemen say's how he's got a head more 'n a yard long, and I'm blest if I don't b'lieve it's so."

"Sho's you livin', Sah," came the response, "I done see two gol' rings an' a purse taken out'n the inside of a shark. An' you know how, right in dese hyar waters, a shark swallowed some papers, an' it was the findin' o' dose papers what stopped a lot o' trouble between Great Britain an' the United States, yes, Sah!"

"'Remus, sez she, 'dish yer's w'at de papers say 'bout my baby, en den she'd read out twel she couldn't read fer cryin'. Hit went on dis way year in en year out, en dem wuz lonesome times, sho's you bawn, Miss Doshy lonesome times, sho.

Mo' pas ça! I swea' befo' God! Oh, no, no, no! 'Tain' nutt'n' nohow but a lill play-toy, Miché. Oh, sweet Miché Jean, you not gwan to kill me? I di' n' mek it! It was ef you lemme go, I tell you who mek it! Sho's I live I tell you, Miché Jean ef you lemme go! Sho's God's good to me ef you lemme go! Oh, God A'mighty, Miché Jean, sho's God's good to me." She was becoming incoherent.

"Dar's a roas' pig fur ter-morrow, sho's you bo'n," returned Aunt Rhody. "En I'se gwine to stuff 'im full." Then she hurried away to her fire, and Dan threw himself down upon the rug at the Major's feet. "Yes, we may trust Betty for the sunshine," repeated the Major, as if striving to recall his wandering thoughts.

"Oh, no harm done, Mister. Wait a minit," he added, squatting and peering down the hill among the trees. "I'm a billy goat with only one ho'n ef yander don't come Mag with Sim Mason. Him an' her as sho's I'm a foot high. Say, Jasper, they calls the sakermint the blood o' the lamb, don't they? Wall, ef they want it to-day they kin have the blood of a calf." "Oh, Mr. Spencer," cried Mrs.

"Well, chillen, in my young days dat waz pretty much of a sum sho's yo' born it waz." "Things are different now; and besides, Maum' Hepsey, you don't know how a dressed-up lady ought to look." "Highty-tighty!" said maum', while her eyes sparkled alarmingly. "As if I ain't seen mo' finery in a month dan you has in every blessed year of your life!

I done tol' yer whar hit come fum. An', bredren, I'm er tellin' yer de truf dis ebenin'; hit's jes 'bout de middle twix' een an' een. Hit's dar, sho's yer born, an' dar aint no way fur ter 'sputin' it, nor ter git roun' it, 'septin' fur ter tu'n fum yer wickedness.

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