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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Ay, he has 'scaped with a whole skin, and gone back to the North," answered the host, leading the way to his parlour, where a flask of strong wine and some cold meat awaited his guest. "If Sir Geoffrey Gates can beat off the York troopers, tell him, from me, not to venture to London, but to fall back into the marshes.

Both made me glad I had 'scaped him, and sorry for his misfortune, which in earnest was the least return his many civilities to me could deserve. Presently, after this was at an end, my mother died, and I was left at liberty to mourn her loss awhile. And it proved so.

So after supper to bed, thinking of business, but every night getting my brother John to go up with me for discourse sake, while I was making unready. So of the French lords leaping over the walls in their shirts "Alenc. How now, my lords! what all unready so? Bast. Unready! ay, and glad we 'scaped so well." Henry VI., act ii., sc. i. 13th. Up to Hinchingbroke, and there with Mr.

They pleaded that "the Spaniards fired at us first," and that they had acted only in self-defence, so they 'scaped hanging, though Sharp admits that they "were very near it." Three more of the crew were laid by the heels at Jamaica, and one of these was "wheedled into an open confession," and condemned, and hanged. "The other two stood it out, and escaped for want of witnesses."

But the road was nothing more than a series of rifts or cracks in the mountain, and it went zig-zag in every direction, slanting first up and then down until they were puzzled as to whether they were any nearer to the top of the earth than when they had started, hours before. "Anyhow," said Dorothy, "we've 'scaped those awful Gurgles, and that's ONE comfort!"

"And when they had done their sport, they came to London, where they dwell, Their faces all so torn and scratched their wives scarce knew them well; For 'twas a very great mercy so many 'scaped alive, For of twenty saddles carried out, they brought again but five."

"Well, I have seen ye afore now, but you've 'scaped from me, youngster." "I'm Billy, alias the Bu'ster, alias the Cork, alias Gaff " "What, Billy Gaff? Dead and come alive again!" cried Haco, springing up and seizing the youngster's hand.

"I will not come in, good Loudac. It is a long way back and my mistress may need me. Here is the maid," and he gave Jeanne a gentle push. "From Detroit?" The interlocutor was a stout Canadian and seemed gigantic to Jeanne. "And 'scaped from the Indians. Lucky they did not spell, it with another letter and leave no top to thy head. Wanita, lad, thou hadst better come in and have a sup of wine.

'Wha kens? answered he; 'they're queer deevils; maybe I might just have 'scaped ae gang to meet the other. And yet I'll no say that neither; for if that randy wife was coming to Charlie's Hope, she should have a pint bottle o' brandy and a pound o' tobacco to wear her through the winter. They're queer deevils; as my auld father used to say, they're warst where they're warst guided.

"Lost, from thy care to know thy master free Can we thy self-devotion e'er forget? 'Twas kindred feeling in a less degree To that which thrilled the soul of Lafayette. He freely braved our storms, our dangers met, Nor left the ship till we had 'scaped the sea. Thine was a spark of noble feeling bright Caught from the fire that warms thy master's heart.

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