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"Dat you ain', honey, bless de Lawd! Ole miss neber stan' 'twix me en a whip, en she neber run fer my pipe en let her shol'er ache whiles I smokes like a ole himage. I'se only des a s'plainin' how dey feels 'bout yo' mar'age." "Ah, but mammy, you know how I feel about it. I won't marry my cousin if I can help it." "Hit's yo' feelin's, honey, w'at des riles up my in'erds so I kyant hardly wuk.

But what's the use of talking of it, it only riles me. The blue-eyed man lay back in his seat, and his head sank on his chest. He looked as if he were going to sleep again, but on Hubert's asking him to explain his troubles, he leaned across the table. 'Well, I'll tell yer. Yer be an eddicated man, and I likes to talk to them that 'as 'ad an eddication.

No not for a whole gineration of ye, Joel; and every one o' them, too, a much likelier man than ye bees yerself." "Religion is no respecter of persons" returned the philosophical Joel. "Them that likes masters and mistresses may have them, for all me; but it riles me to meet with meanness." "It does!" cried Mike, looking up at his companion, with a very startling expression of wonder.

The exceptions were the California Hundred, and the California Four Hundred, volunteer detachments who went East of their own accord and won undying honors in the thick of the struggle. Riders and Famous Rides Bart Riles, the pony rider, died this morning from wounds received at Cold Springs, May 16.

"He asked me not to mention it, and and I had half the money for that, Major; And they will be down on me. But I don't care for it; I'm used to it. It's Lady Clavering that riles me. It's a shame that that good-natured woman, who has paid him out of gaol a score of times, should be ruined by his heartlessness.

"I calls her Tilly when I am a-cuddling of her; when she riles me, and gets my dander up, I says, 'Tilder, come here!" and the butcher raised his voice till it seemed like an ox's bellow. "I really must beg," exclaimed the Registrar, "that the sanctity of the gravity of this ceremony is not disturbed by any foolish frivolity.

All the native carriers have, as usual, absconded. We are now about twenty-seven riles from Masindi, the head-quarters of Kabba Rega, and yet there are no signs of control. "I ascended a small hill near the village, and sighted the waters of the Albert N'yanza, due west, about twenty miles distant. "April 21. About fifty natives collected.

"I hope not, dearest," said my friend kindly, returning my caress and forgetting her momentary ill-humour. "A jolly dance will do you good if you are careful to avoid over-exertion. But you are quite right, we must really fix our things ready for the evening, else we shall be all in a flurry at the last moment, and nothing riles the Colonel so much as to see women in a fuss.

Markland, to whom she was strongly attached. "And that's what riles me up so." "Why, you're in a strange humour, Grace! Edward has done nothing at which I can complain." "He hasn't, indeed?" "No." "I'd like to know what he means by posting off to the city every day for a week at a stretch, and never so much as breathing to his wife the purpose of his visits?" "Business.

"Probably he thought there wouldn't be any chance of our catching him when we were reduced to walk." "It's likely you're right, Ben, and I ought to have thought of that. I jest wish I could set eyes on the critter at this particular minute. To treat us that way after our kindness, that's what riles me." "What shall we do, Jake?" "That's to be considered.