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Updated: August 29, 2024

Oh! qu'ils sont loin ces jours si regrettes! J'echangerais ce qu'il me reste a vivre Contre un des mois qu'ici Dieu m'a comptes, Pour rever gloire, amour, plaisir, folie, Pour depenser sa vie en peu d'instans, D'un long espoir pour la voir embellie, Dans un grenier qu'on est bien a vingt ans!

The revival of taste, of the sense of beauty, in England, interests me deeply; what is there in a simple row of spinal buttons to make one dream to donnor a rever, as they say here? I think that a great aesthetic renascence is at hand, and that a great light will be kindled in England, for all the world to see.

Though not mortal, it was of a dangerous nature; and the surgeons ended a very painful operation by promising a very lingering recovery. What a charming satisfaction for being insulted! Je me contente de ce qui peut s'ecrire, et je reve tout ce qui peut se rever.

La Bruyère, in the darkness of his pessimism, sometimes suggests Swift, especially in his sarcastically serious treatment of detail; but he was without the virulent bitterness of the great Dean. In fact his indictment owes much of its impressiveness to the sobriety with which it is presented. There is no rage, no strain, no over-emphasis; one feels as one reads that this is an impartial judge. And, more than that, one feels that the judge is not only a judge, but also a human being. It is the human quality in La Bruyère's mind which gives his book its rare flavour, so that one seems to hear, in these printed words, across the lapse of centuries, the voice of a friend. At times he forgets his gloom and his misanthropy, and speaks with a strange depth of feeling on friendship or on love. 'Un beau visage, he murmurs, 'est le plus beau de tous les spectacles, et l'harmonie la plus douce est le son de voix de celle que l'on aime. And then 'Être avec les gens qu'on aime, cela suffit; rever, leur parler, ne leur parler point, penser

Though not mortal, it was of a dangerous nature; and the surgeons ended a very painful operation by promising a very lingering recovery. What a charming satisfaction for being insulted! Je me contente de ce qui peut s'ecrire, et je reve tout ce qui peut se rever.

The sarcasms of Swift were not without justification; for crazier analogies than that between Andromache and Andrew Mackay have been gravely insisted on by persons who, like the author of "Amilec," believed that the true secret of philosophizing est celui de rêver heureusement.

Je crois rêver sous un ciel de féerie, l'âme encore grisée de ton premier baiser! And M. Cartel, lifting his head, broke in with the single electric cry of Julian the lover: 'Louise! Then, as if answering to the personal note, Jacqueline melted into Louise's sweet admission of absolute surrender: 'Quelle belle vie!

"Au calme clair de lune triste et beau, Qui fait rêver les oiseaux dans les arbres, Et sangloter d'extase les jets d'eau, Les grands jets d'eau sveltes parmi les marbres." But the gardens of the Viale are in spring, at any rate, full of the joy of roses, banks, hedges, cascades of roses, armsful of them, drowsy in the heat and heavy with sweetness.

Je crois rêver sous un ciel de féerie, l'âme encore grisée de ton premier baiser!" But, abruptly abruptly as a light might be extinguished the music ceased, and Max released Blake's hand. "It is all most wonderful," he said; "but the words of that song they do not quite please me." "Why? Have you never sung that 'l'âme encore grisée de ton premier baiser!"

Moreover, the Intendant was ordered to furnish whatever stores, artillery, etc., Captain Salt should find necessary to the success of his design. If he should require it, the fighting strength of the galleys should be supplemented by drafts from the regiments stationed in the citadel, the Rice-bank, and Forts Galliard, Rever and Bon Esperance.

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