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Je regrette de ne pouvoir l'accompagner en Angleterre, ou j'ai tant d'amis que je serais heureux de revoir. Mais ne puis-je au moins esperer que vous nous ferez cette annee, avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve, une visite au Chateau d'Eu? Nous resterons ici tout le mois de Juillet. J'ai ete assez heureux a la peche ici dans notre petite riveire.

Je regrette infiniment aussi que les evenements politiques vous aient empeche de venir a Paris, comme vous vous le proposiez. Je suis obligee de partir pour Varsovie, et crains de vous manquer si vous venez bientot ici. C'est chez lui que je laisse en depot ce que nous avons rassemble jusqu'ici. It would seem from the following note that Lord Macaulay had spoken to Reeve of Dr.

J'ai eu depuis des nouvelles de votre sejour a Broglie et au Val Richcr par Messieurs Gavard et de Witt, et j'ai bien regrette que les convenances du deuil ne m'aient pas permis de vous demander cette annee de venir an Chateau d'Eu.

It was Les Chants du Crepuscule, and thus the page sang: "Laisse-toi donc aimer! Car l'amour, c'est la vie, C'est tout ce qu'on regrette et tout ce qu'on envie Quand on voit sa jeunesse au couchant décliner. Sans lui rien n'est complet, sans lui rien ne rayonne. La beauté c'est le front, l'amour c'est la couronne. Laisse-toi couronner!"

An interesting personality, 'je le regrette beaucoup'. But, as you see, he died in great distress, without a soul to wave him farewell, because as you can well understand, monsieur, I don't count myself. He died drunk. 'C'etait un homme'!" Shelton had continued staring kindly at the little man; the barber added hastily: "It's difficult to make an end like that one has moments of weakness."

Measuring time by the pounding of his heart rather than the ticking of his watch, it seemed to him he had a long time to wait before the woman reappeared, handing him back his card through the openwork of the grille, saying briefly: "Madame la marquise ne reçoit pas." Perhaps it was the crestfallen look in the blond giant's face that tempted her to add: "Je le regrette, monsieur."

"Nous avons bien regrette de ne pouvoir, avant de quitter Paris, faire un tour au Parc-des-Princes et presenter nos hommages a Madame Hamerton. Ce sera pour l'annee qui vient j'espere. "Croyez moi, cher Monsieur, "Votre bien devoue, Death, alas! prevented another meeting, for M. Darmesteter, who was already in weak health, did not live very long after. Mr.

She does not pretend to be youthful, nor does she trouble herself that she has seen the roses of more Junes than many of the younger women who gather round her. She has not had to say, Comme je regrette Mon bras si dodu,

'I hope that monsieur will catch the assassin of Monsieur Manderson. But I not regret him too much, she added with sudden and amazing violence, turning round with her hand on the knob of the outer door. She set her teeth with an audible sound, and the colour rose in her small dark face. English departed from her. 'Je ne le regrette pas du tout, du tout! she cried with a flood of words.

Though warlike rumours circulated off and on, the secret of the understanding arrived at in the Plombières interview was well preserved, and the words spoken by Napoleon to the Austrian Ambassador at the New Year's Day reception fell on Europe with the effect of a bombshell. Turning to Baron Hubner, he said: 'Je regrette que les relations entre nous soient si mauvaises; dîtes cependant