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Jim, Jim, whyn't you limber up, boy; hunch yo'se'f up on dat hoss lak you belonged to him and knowed you was dah. What I done showed you? De black raskil, goin' out dah tryin' to disgrace his own daddy. Hyeah he come back. Dat's bettah, you scoun'ril. "Dat's a right smaht-lookin' hoss he's a-ridin', but I ain't a-trustin' dat bay wid de white feet dat is, not altogethah.

Mulloy and Gallup had forced their way through the crowd, and even as the speaker uttered these words Barney gave him a terrible slap on the back, while Ephraim kicked the box from beneath his feet. "The earthquake do be come, begorra!" shouted Mulloy. "Greg Carker, ye bloody old socialist raskil, Oi have yez in me hands, and Oi'm going to hug yez till ye holler!"

When me did see the rincumcoshindy goin' on ashore, me say, `Now, Bunco, you time come; look alive; so, w'en de raskil called de fuss mate orders out de boat in great hurry, me slip into it like one fish. Then dey all land an' go off like mad into de woods arter you as you do knows.

I know Wakem tells him the law can't touch him for it, but there's folks can handle the law besides Wakem. It takes a big raskil to beat him; but there's bigger to be found, as know more o' th' ins and outs o' the law, else how came Wakem to lose Brumley's suit for him?" Mr.

'Scuse ma laffin', Mr. Moore he! he! he!" A little man, all wet and shrunk, sat hunching on a mound above them, rocking his shrivelled form to and fro in the agony of his merriment. "Ye raskil he! he! Ye rogue he! he!" and he shook his fist waggishly at the unconscious gray dog.

"'Caramba! she yells; 'I teach ye to insult a dacent old lady, you Yankee dog. Help! Murder! ye bloody raskil! Help, help! Thin she ware upon him like a wild cat, a clawin' an' bitin', screechin' and yellin'. "'Sink you for a bloody scoundrel, Jameson, I knows ye, roared Garnett. 'Larry, there, bear a hand. I have him. "'Hold him thin, ye brave man, sings out O'Toole, comin' up.

"Faith, ye oogly yaller-faced raskil," he cried, putting up his fists in the scientific way we had learnt from long practice on board with the gloves under our gymnasium instructor, "Oi'll knock ye into the middle of nixt Soonday wake, ef ye don't kape a civil toongue in yer hid an' put yer owld dhrumsticks behint ye!"

Now, massa, I wants to take dat small raskil Geo'ge Fuster to de town, an' show him a few t'ings as'll make him do his work better, an' dat'll make you lub 'im more, an' so we'll all be more comfrable. Das what I say; an' when I was sayin' it, I see de wrinkles a-comin' round massa's eyes, so I feel sure; for w'en dem wrinkles come to de eyes, it is all right.

I said nothing, and nothing was said until the painter was made fast and Ford had sprung on deck. "He ain't with ye, Rolling?" asked Trunnell. I was too much disgusted to answer. The empty boat was enough to satisfy any reasonable person. Chips came to the rail and leaned over as I came up the chain-plates. "'Twas so, then? Th' raskil! But what makes th' bloody hooker move?

Laws! what's the good of keeping company if you ain't to say just what comes uppermost at the moment. 'Twas but the other day I called my young man a raskil." "It was in sport, no doubt." "I was that angry at the time I could have tore him limb from limb; I was, indeed.