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Me live for years in de forests an' plains an' mountains ob Callyforny huntin' an fightin'. Oh, dem were de happy days! After dat me find a wife what I lub berry moche, den me leave her for short time an' go wid tradin' party to de coast. Here meet wid a cap'n of ship, wot wos a big raskil. Him 'tice me aboord an' sail away.

I thought I was the biggest raskil on the face av the earth. I wondher if it's true. The Lord presarve me from the timptation av great power, or I'll abuse it, an' abuse me felly-men and the Church!" Harper's Magazine, May, 1872. Did I never tell you the story? Is it possible? Draw up your chair. Stick of wood, Harry. Smoke? You've heard of my Uncle Popworth, though. Why, yes!

The door ware open, an' I see the chist ware a little trunk av a thing, no bigger than a hand-bag, so to speak. Up on top av it ware a pile av charts an' things sech as th' raskil sung out to Trunnell not to touch. 'Twas a cute little thing to do; fer how I could get inter th' outfit without a-movin' them struck me. "I finally grabs th' side av th' trunk an' tries to lift it.

"Did ye cotch him, Massa Tom?" asked Eradicate. "Did ye cotch de raskil?" "Not yet, Rad. But Koku is after him. Who was he, and what did he do?" "Didn't do nuffin yit, Massa Tom, 'case as how he didn't git no chance," replied the colored man, as he hurried along as rapidly as he could beside the two youths. "Koku and I was too quick for him.

Meantime the guard had advanced with dignity and announced to the officer at the desk: 'This man has a complaint to bring, sir. 'Wait! It was Mrs. Camp, standing determinedly near the door of entrance, who spoke. 'Afore you make a complaint, Adam Camp, about a raskil that ain't here, s'pose you jest make sure that this here one that is here in our midst don't git away.

"From what you say, sir," he remarked quickly, "your fowls are carried off bodily. Is that it?" "They jest keep on gettin' less an' less right along," the farmer admitted. "Me and Johnny here was thinkin' o' settin' up with guns to see if we could get a crack at the chicken thief, whether he was a mink, a badger, or a two-legged raskil."

Maybe it'll revoive, him!" Tim drank long and well. "I've heard about the case," Jerry said, as he filled the thick glass a third time. "Fancy the little beggar, an' him commin' and goin' as flash as ye make 'ern, and pickin' and thavin' all the time. Maybe he got the ear-rings the missis is after missin'." "Nawthin' o' the sort's in the swag we took with the raskil."