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Will you promise to do this?" "How would drinkin' the bottle get me money?" inquired Mrs. Sullivan, who certainly felt a strong tendency of heart to the wealth. "That I can't tell you now, nor would you understand it, even if I could; but you will know all when what I say is complied with." "Keep your bottle, dacent woman. I wash my hands of it: the saints above guard me from the timptation!

Stevens, significantly; "come, come put your scruples in your pocket, and make up your mind to go through with it like a man. When the thing is done, you shall have five thousand dollars in hard cash, and you can go with it where you please. Now, what do you think of that?" "Ah, squire, the money's a great timptation! but it's an awful job." "No worse than you did for nothing," replied Mr.

Dooley, "is a man ye niver heerd iv befure. If ye can think iv annywan whose face is onfamilyar to ye an' ye don't raymimber his name, an' he's got a job on a pa-aper ye didn't know was published, he's a war expert. 'Tis a har-rd office to fill. Whin a war begins th' timptation is sthrong f'r ivry man to grab hold iv a gun an go to th' fr-ront.

Jonathan, pray for us; Holy Nineveh, look down upon us wid compression an' resolution this day. Blessed Jerooslim, throw down compuncture an' meditation upon us Chrystyeens assembled here afore you to offer up our sins! Oh, grant us, blessed Catasthrophy, the holy virtues of Timptation an' Solitude, through the improvement an' accommodation of St. Kolumbdyl!

"We wish ye to divide up the threasure aiqually into fourteen parts, and to give to aich man his own share, so that he may take care of it for himself. As things are now, wid all the gims lumped together in the iron chist, the timptation and the opporchunity to shteal is too great, and we've already lost two of our number through it." "Lost two of your number?

"Blathers!" said Rooney, as they walked along in the direction of the lower part of the town, "you could resist the timptation aisy av you'd only try, for you're only beginnin', an' it hasn't got howld of 'ee yit. Look at your brother Ram, now; why don't 'ee take example by him?" "Yis, Ram-stam's first-chop boy," said Chok-foo, with a penitential expression on his fat visage.

I thought I was the biggest raskil on the face av the earth. I wondher if it's true. The Lord presarve me from the timptation av great power, or I'll abuse it, an' abuse me felly-men and the Church!" Harper's Magazine, May, 1872. Did I never tell you the story? Is it possible? Draw up your chair. Stick of wood, Harry. Smoke? You've heard of my Uncle Popworth, though. Why, yes!

"Faix thin, sir, he had no business, wid your honor's livery upon his back, to begin lecthurin' me again dhrinkin', as he did. We may all do very well, sir, till the timptation crasses us but that's what thries us. It thried him, but he didn't stand it faix he didn't! ha, ha, ha! Good-mornin', sir God bless you, Ma'am! Divil resave the family in all Europe" "Good-morning, Connell good-morning!

"That's the fact, Jiff; but how did ye find it out?" "My own common sense told me. You've been looking 'round the last hour for a chance to indulge agin." "I'll admit," was the frank response, "that a dim idea of the kind has been flickerin' through me brain; but I cast the timptation indignantly behind me. Do you know why?" "No."

But isn't he the big fool to be having it dangling where the wash of a wave, or a pickpocket, or a worse timptation than either might be staling it away from him?" "And where else would he put it?" "Did ye ever git the sight of mine?" "I did not." "On the back of me?" "What?" "Look here, now!" cried Pat, in the tones of one whose patience was entirely exhausted.