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And in time you may become a first-chop operator, which I'm not and never will be; but if you do, 'twill be through fighting shy of two things. The first of them's Woman, and the second is Man. To make a friend of a man you must lower your guard. Ordinarily 'tis fatal. As for Woman, remember this, m'lad: to let love into your life you must open a door no mortal hand can close.

The gilded establishment claiming attention from travelers is conducted by a couple of Chinese worthies, by name Ung Hang and Hung Vo, according to the business card deferentially handed you at your hotel, and the signs in front of it and the legends painted on great lanterns proclaim it as a first-chop Casa de Jogo, and a gambling-house that is "No. 1" in all respects.

"Blathers!" said Rooney, as they walked along in the direction of the lower part of the town, "you could resist the timptation aisy av you'd only try, for you're only beginnin', an' it hasn't got howld of 'ee yit. Look at your brother Ram, now; why don't 'ee take example by him?" "Yis, Ram-stam's first-chop boy," said Chok-foo, with a penitential expression on his fat visage.

"Velly big Chinaman," whispered my cheerful friend; "first-chop man high classee no can washee no can eat no dlinke, no catchee him own glub allee same nothee man China boy must catchee glub for him, allee time! Oh, him first-chop man you bettee!" I had heard of this singular custom of indicating caste before, and was amazed and disgusted, but I was not prepared for what followed.

'Who ever heard of a horse being trained in a tent before? not but what he looks first-chop. 'I've seen horses trained in more ways than one, says he, 'and I can wind 'em up, in the stable and out of it, as mighty few in this country can that is, when I put the muzzle on. There's a deal in knowing the way horses is brought up. Now this here's an excitable hoss in a crowd. 'Is he? I said.

With such splendid chances for experimentin, what first-chop mills they must have, to a sartainty. I'll see such new combinations, and such new applications of the force of water to motion, that I'll make my fortin, for we can improve on any thing amost.

Old Beeswax thinks that if he can get me up to swear that he and his crew are real first-chop hands, that will hit the governor hard. It's as much as saying to the governor, 'This chap belongs to me, not to you. That's a thing I won't go in for." Then Tregear counselled him to write to his father for advice, and at the same time to ask Sir Timothy to allow him a day or two for consideration.

"Well, then, you try and be a first-chop boy too, Chok, an' it'll be better for you. Now, you see, you've kep' us all waiting for full half an hour, though we was so anxious to try how the dress answers." In a few minutes the son of Erin and the Chinaman entered the half ruinous pagoda which was their habitation.

I was startled to reflect that I, too, could not have conscientiously sworn to either jailor or the tortured prisoner or perhaps even to my cheerful companion. I wondered if they had caught sight of the high-class, first-chop individual, with the helplessly outstretched fingers, as that story I had kept to myself.

'I never know'd a reel beauty first-chop, of course, I mean that wasn't kind along of it, and I'm a fellah as can't git along without sympathy that's why I say it an' isn't it hard lines? Now, say it's hard lines haint it, Maud? I did not know exactly what hard lines meant, but I said 'I suppose it is very disagreeable.