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"Howly Moses!" a voice in shrill agitation broke in upon her preoccupation. "An' is it sheddin' tears ye are upon the blessed gunpowther? Sure the colleen's crazed! Millia Murther! the beautiful ca'tridges is ruint intoirely! Any man moight be proud an' plazed to be kilt by the loikes o' them! How many o' them big wathery tears have yez been after sheddin' into aich o' them lovely ca'tridges?"

The curragh which was promised might be a man, a horse, a cart, or chaise; and no more could be got from the man with the battle-axe but a repetition of 'Aich ay! ta curragh.

But whin the first two guards was relieved, last night, the cook took it into his head that they ought to be searched; and whin this was done, by the Powers! we found that aich of 'em had helped himself to a handful of the stones, and had 'em stowed away in their pockets. We thried 'em there and thin, found 'em guilty, and sintenced 'em to be shot! Which was done this morning." "So!"

And if she did, Mad Bell grabbed it in her two hands it's not often she'll have a word for anybody and no more talk about it, but cocked it on, and tied it firm under her chin wid the sthramers, as tasty as you plase. Musha good gracious, to see the len'th she drew the bow out on aich side of her bit of a yeller face, and the nod she gave her ould head when she'd got it done.

"And are you and Connor O'Donovan promised to aich other?" inquired the father again. "But it wasn't I that proposed the promise," returned Una. "Oh, the desperate villain," exclaimed her father, "to be guilty of such a thing! but you took the promise Una you did you did I needn't ask." "No," replied Una. "No!" reechoed the father; "then you did not give the promise?"

Then, says I, 'lave the rest to somebody, for I won't name names. No, your honor, I did'nt bring Hanlon in. By the same token, as a proof of it, there's young Bandy Shaughran, the son, wid a turkey under aich arm, comin'up to the hall door." * These were iniquitous exactions, racked from the poor tenantry by the old landlords or their agents.

The curragh which was promised might be a man, a horse, a cart, or chaise; and no more could be got from the man with the battle-axe but a repetition of 'Aich ay! ta curragh.

"But we both naad sleep," he mused, as he threw down his torch, and made his way back by the dull glare of the expiring camp-fire. "We both lost considerable last night, and a chap can't kaap reg'lar hours any more than he can when he's coorting three lassies at the same time, and thrying to kaap aich from suspecting it.

"They'll be bringin' us our foddher at twelve av the clock," said Kildare, with a twinkle of inextinguishable humour in his hollow eyes. "Shuperannuated cavalry mount stuped in warrum kettle-gravy, wid a block av baked sawdust for aich man that can get ut down.

"But what has a horsewhipping and a citaytion to the Bishop's Court to do with aich other?" "Simply this," replied the other, "that when my father hears I horsewhip any of them, he takes no further proceedings against them; and whenever I wish, consequently, to keep a fellow out of that troublesome situation, I horsewhip him from pure kindness."