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Woodnorton, 26 septembre. Tres cher ami, Vous etes bien heureux de pouvoir aller vous promener a Cherbourg et a Paris. Enfin! Oui, j'ai recu un peu de plomb, et meme assez pres de l'oeil gauche; mais le proverbe dit que ce metal est ami de l'homme. J'en serai quitte pour quelques petites bosses sous la peau, et je vous souhaite de vous porter aussi bien que je le fais en ce moment.

So giés plis noir passé la nouitte, So la lev' plis doux passe la quitte! Tou' mo la vie, zamein mo oir Ein n' amourèse zoli comme ça! Mo' blié manzé mo' blié boir' Mo' blié tout dipi ç' temps-l

The danger, however, was brief, for the captain happened to be on deck at the time, and at once gave the order to beat to quarters; before it could be obeyed the fire was extinguished, and the ship's company quitte pour la peur. Not so, however, the delinquent captain of the hold, who was at once sent to expiate his fault in the durance vile of a suit of double irons.

"No, no No, no, no." I swore, of course, most fervently. "Oh! rise, rise, I beseech you, my lord, and don't look so like a hero; though you have done an heroical action, I grant. How you ever brought yourself to it, I cannot imagine. But now, for your comfort, you are safe Vous voila quitte pour la peur! Do not, however, let this encourage you to venture again in the same foolish manner.

Les plus courts plaisirs de ce monde Souvent font les meilleurs amours. Sais-je au moment ou je te quitte Ou m'entraine mon astre errant? Je m'en vais pourtant, ma petite, Bien loin, bien vite, Adieu, Suzon!"

Under the roof, on the galérie, the wheel hummed, the loom pounded; inside, the logs crackled and blazed on the hearth; on the board were venison, mallard, teal, rice-birds, sirop de baterie, and quitte; round the fireside were pipes, pecans, old stories, and the Saturday-night contra-dance; and every now and then came sounding on the outer air the long, hoarse bellow of some Mississippi steamer, telling of the great world beyond the tree-tops, a little farther than the clouds and nearer than the stars.

When she went away in a whirl of preparations and addresses, I turned to one of my neighbours, saying: "Je crois qu'on est tres bien a l'Hotel de Londres a Rome," quite an insignificant and inoffensive remark merely to say something. She replied haughtily: "Je n'en sais rien, Madame; je n'ai jamais quitte Paris et je m'en vante."

'Jules, go at Father Pierre an' ged this lill pitcher fill with holy-water, an' tell him sen' his tin bucket, and I will make it fill with quitte. I ged the holy- water; my papa sprinkle it over the baril, an' make one cross on the 'ead of the baril." "Why, Jools," said Parson Jones, "that didn't do no good." "Din do no good! Id broughd the so great value!

En effet, l'ambassadeur étoit instruit de ces détails. A la dernière défaite qu'éprouva Sigismond devant Couloubath, il avoit été témoin de son désastre; il avoit même, la veille de la bataille, quitté son camp pour se rendre auprès du Turc. Dans nos entretiens il me conta sur tout cela beaucoup de particularités. Je vis également deux arbalétriers Génois qui s'étoient trouvés

After dinner the King made a speech which made his Ministers' hearts fail within them. However, we were quitte pour la peur. He only spoke of his love of peace. The only thing painful was that he should speak at all, and before his servants, like a chairman of a public meeting.