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Gang yer wa's hame, an' come back straucht frae yer prayers the morn's mornin'. By that time she'll be quaiet in her coffin, an' I'll be quaiet i' my temper. Syne I'll lat ye see her maybe. I wiss I was weel rid o' the sicht o' her, for I canna bide it. Lord, I canna bide it."

"It said to me that I was a foolish man to care aboot the claiks and the strifes o' the warl'; for a' was quaiet aboon, whatever stramash they micht be makin' doon here i' the cellars o' the speeritual creation." Annie was silent: while she did not quite understand him, she had a dim perception of a grand meaning in what he said.

'Gang to the ga'le o' the hoose there, Shargar, and jist keek roon' the neuk at me; and gin I whustle upo' ye, come up as quaiet 's ye can. Gin I dinna, bide till I come to ye. Robert opened the door cautiously.

"I can sit nae langer, Mr Mellis," returned Miss Horn. "I hae eneuch to gang upo' as lang 's I hae my ain flure aneth my feet: the wuman has nae business there. I'll jist slip across an' gang in, as quaiet as a sowl intill a boady; but I s' warran' I s' mak a din afore I come oot again!" With a grim diagonal nod she left the room.

"Her ladyship wad gi'e hersel' sma' concern gien the haill bilin' o' ye war whaur ye cam frae," returned the factor. "An' for the toon here, the fowk kens the guid o' a quaiet caus'ay ower weel to lament the loss o' ye." "The deil's i' the man!" cried the Partaness in high scorn.

But the Michty cairried me throu'. An' hoo's wee Sir Gibbie? Come in I dinna ken yer name but we're jist at the door o' my bit garret. Come quaiet up the stair, an' tell me a' aboot it." "Weel, I wadna be sorry to rist a bit, for I hae tint mysel a'thegither, an' I'm some tiret," answered Donal. "I but left the Mains thestreen."

A great hole i' the wa' o' the room, an' the starry pleuch luikin' in at it, an' the sea lyin' far doon afore him as quaiet as the bride upo' the bed but a hantle bonnier to luik at; for ilka steek that had been on her was brunt aff, an' the bonny body o' her lyin' a' runklet, an' as black 's a coal frae heid to fut; an' the reek 'at rase frae 't was heedeous.

But noo I seem to hae gotten some mair licht, and to ken some things I didna ken afore; sae, turnin my back upo' my past sin, and believin God has forgien me, and is willin I sud set my han' to his pleuch ance mair, I hae thoucht to mak a new beginnin here in a quaiet heumble fashion, tellin ye something o' what I hae begoud, i' the mercy o' God, to un'erstan' a wee for mysel.

When they began to bind his hands, however, he turned desperate, and struck at both, cursing and raging. "Gien ye binna quaiet, ye s' taste the dog's teeth," said Robert. Angus reflected that he would have a better chance when he was left alone with Janet, and yielded. "Troth!"

The horror stricken expression of Malcolm's face drew a second merry laugh from Mr Graham. "They can't burn me," he said: "you needn't look like that." "But there's something terrible wrang, sir, whan sic men hae pooer ower sic a man. "They have no power but what's given them. I shall accept their decision as the decree of heaven." "It's weel to be you, sir 'at can tak a thing sae quaiet."