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The law and the facts ain't nothin' ter them, it's jest the way they are feelin' that particler day and minnit. If so happen they got outer bed the wrong foot furrard that mornin', then it's good-by ter the pris'ner, and hell fer the lawyer that's defendin' him!

"Bless my heart and soul!" ejaculated Mr. Pickwick. "What do you mean?" "Wot I say, sir," rejoined Sam. "If it's forty year to come, I shall be a pris'ner, and I'm very glad on it.

I'm wullin' eneuch to lat him gang, but he's Robert's pris'ner an' Gibbie's enemy; he's no my pris'ner an' no my enemy, an' I dinna think I hae the richt. An' wha kens but he micht gang shottin' mair fowk yet, 'cause I loot him gang! But he canna shot a hare wantin' thy wull, O Jesus, the Saviour o' man an' beast; an' ill wad I like to hae a han' i' the hangin' o' 'm.

Den we run for dat man, an' in one hour two, mebbe we come here. I t'ink dat ribber he twist, sar." Then, so swiftly that it shocked, out of the forest stumbled another of the Barang's seamen, panting, thorn-slashed, and frightened. "Oh, sar!" he gasped, "Cap'n Barry an' Misser Li'l, an' all mans dey pris'ner in de woods, an' de gol' washers dey all kill, sar!"

Who air you next?" nursing his musket across his knees, baby-fashion. Ben measured him with one eye, polished the quid in his greasy hand, and looked at it. "Pris'ner o' war," he mumbled, finally, contemptuously; for Dave's trousers were in rags like his own, and his chilblained toes stuck through the shoe-tops. Cheap white trash, clearly.

"Which I'm glad he lives s'fficient to head that hoss our way, says jack. "It saves splashin' across after him an' wettin' your leggins a lot." "It's that night in camp when jack brings up what Enright says about the time the Mexicans downs a pris'ner, an' tharby fixes his views of 'em.

Supposin' this pris'ner to be a man with a whole lot iv money, an' supposin' he wint to this house on th' night in question, an' suppose it was snowin', an' suppose it wasn't, an' suppose he turned fr'm th' right hand corner to th' left goin' upstairs, an' supposin' he wore a plug hat an' a pair iv skates, an' supposin' th' next day was Winsday 'I objict, says th' State's attorney.

"'Ask it, says Cap Dhryfuss. "'Th' pris'ner must answer, says th' coort. 'It is now nearly six o'clock iv th' mornin', an' time to get up an' dhress. "'I refuse to make anny commint, says Cap Dhryfuss, "The pris'ner's remark, uttered in tones iv despair, caused gr-reat emotion in th' aujience. There were angry cries iv 'Lynch him! an' all eyes were tur-rned to th' Cap.

"'Did ye see th' pris'ner afther his arrest? 'I did. 'Where? 'In th' pa-apers. 'What was he doin'? 'His back was tur-rned. 'What did that indicate to ye? 'That he had been sufferin' fr'm a variety iv tomaine excelsis 'Greek wurruds, says th' coort. 'Latin an' Greek, says th' expert. 'Pro-ceed, says th' coort.

'Pris'ner were about ten yards off, sir, 'an, as 'e says, Peters MIGHT 'a hit 'im, said Sergeant Jones, with solemn humour, 'but afore he'd made up 'is mind to fire, 'e'd come so close Peters saw 'ow small he was, an' therefore didn't, sir. 'Quite right, remarked Sunni. 'Peters might have killed me. The Colonel nodded. He was looking with absorbed interest into Sunni's eyes.