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Therefore I charges this here pris'ner with bein' the man what acshully got poor Dicky his floggin'." "You hears, pris'ner, what the crew has against yer; what have yer got to say to it?" interrogated Rogers.

It's agin the rules, too, to ask a pris'ner any question that'll criminate him, and on the whole you'd better go, M'liss," added the guard, to whom the appearance of the bottle had been the means of provoking a spasm of discipline. But M'liss refused to make over the coveted treasure. Bill arose half jestingly and endeavored to get possession of the bottle.

"'Silence! roared th' coort, bendin' a stern, inflexible look on th' pris'ner. 'This is a coort iv justice. We ar-re disposed f'r to grant ivry indulgence; but, if outsiders persist in intherferin' with these proceedin's, he says, 'we'll expel thim fr'm th' r-room. What does th' prisoner think this is?

"'I reorganises, for at the time I nearly makes the dive outen the stirrups, I pulls the hoss to a stop, an' once more takes up the pursoot of my locoed prey. He's a pris'ner fair enough, only he's too obstinate to admit it.

All the same, I've got my game staked out so that I eats, drinks, sleeps, an' wears clothes till the comin' of them ponies; an' you, an' the angels above, an' the demons down onder the sea, is powerless to put a crimp in them calc'lations. I've got the next six months pris'ner; I've turned the keys onto 'em same as if they're in a calaboose.

It seems cruel for us to live comf'tably in her palace while she is a pris'ner in the power of some wicked enemy." "Yes," agreed Glinda the Sorceress, "someone ought to search for her. I cannot go myself, because I must work hard in order to create some new instruments of sorcery by means of which I may rescue our fair Ruler.

Just at this point a dark form glided up behind the detective and dealt him a stunning blow on the head, felling him to the ground. "Thar, pardner, I reckon that beak won't git no furder with his pris'ner." Bordine was dumbfounded. Who was the rough-spoken man who had come to his rescue by perhaps dealing the detective a death-blow? "He put the darbies on, did he?"

What if ye do be hungry, you ain't a dyin' o' hunger. You'll wear a bit longer yet! Ain't I heerd you say that John more'n once, or twice, or thrice?" "There ain't no need to put me to my oath like that, old woman! I ain't a goin' for to deny it! You needn't go to put it to me as if I was the pris'ner at the bar, or a witness as wanted to speak up for him!

"'Pris'ner, said th' prisident iv th' coort, 'th' eyes iv Fr-rance is upon us, th' honor iv th' nation is at stake. Th' naytional definces, th' integrity iv that ar-rmy upon which Fr-rance must depind in time iv peace, th' virtue iv public life, an' th' receipts iv th' exposition is involved. Incidentally, ye ar-re bein' thried. But why dhrag in matthers iv no importance?

'Ye'd betther have a care how ye answer that question, me boy, says th' pris'ner, carelessly jingling th' loose change in his pocket. 'Sane? says th' expert. 'Well, I shud think he was. Why, I can hardly imagine how he stayed feather-headed long enough to take th' villan's joolry. Sane, says ye?