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'Now, how does th' sentence r-read? 'Th' next day was four o'clock in Janooary an' supposin' th' amount iv money, an' supposin' ye haven't got a very large salary holdin' th' chair iv conniption fits at th' college, an' supposin' ye don't get a cent onless ye answer r-right, I ask ye, on th' night in question whin th' pris'ner grabbed th' clock, was he or was he not funny at th' roof? 'I objict to th' form iv question, says th' State's attorney.

Therefore, the opportunity being excellent, he raised his weapon again, and, repeating the words "bonded pris'ner" as ample explanation of his deed, brought into play the full strength of his good right arm. He used the flat of the sabre. WHACK! WHACK! Roddy was perfectly impartial. It was a cold-blooded performance and even more effective than he anticipated.

The deep and painful silence which prevailed was broken by Rogers' harsh voice remarking "Now, Thomson, you knows your dooty, which is to give the pris'ner on the gratin' five and twenty lashes, well laid on. So go ahead, my man, and let's see if you can't make him yell a bit louder than you did poor Dicky Rudd." Thomson glanced at the speaker and nodded.

'What's this? said Colonel Starr, with the deepest possible astonishment. 'Pris'ner, sir, answered Thomas Jones, saluting. 'WHAT? said the Colonel. 'Nonsense! Where did you get him? 'Beg pardon, sir. Peters were on duty, sir, at the second outpost, sir. It were about two hours ago as far as I could judge, sir, not 'avin' the time by me.

'Ar-re ye guilty or not guilty? says th' clerk. 'Guilty an' glad iv it, says ye'er lawyer amid cheers an' hisses. 'Have ye th' watch with ye? says th' coort. 'I have, says th' pris'ner, smilin' in his peculiar way. 'Lave me look at it, says th' coort. 'I will not, says the pris'ner, puttin' it back into his pocket. 'How ar-re ye goin' to defind this crook? says th' Judge.

The sheriff snatched the light, and both men hastened to examine the prisoner's hand. After a single glance their eyes met and each set of optics inquired of the other. At length the sheriff remarked: "He's your pris'ner." The circuit-rider flushed and then turned pale.

Then I says to pris'ner, "You bito an' give an account of yerself," says I. Says 'e quite 'aughty like, "I'll account fer myself to the burra sahib," an' wouldn't take no chaff. But 'e bitoes, an' curls 'isself up in the sand, an' goes sound asleep in no time an' 'ere 'e is, sir. 'Principal. 'Sit down on the ground. 'Also, corrected Sunni, 'he gave me some coffee. He is a good man.

We kin take him back a pris'ner. Now, cap, do 'ee see how?" "You would have these twenty to keep far in the advance then, capture the videttes, and wait till the main body comes up?" "Sartinly; thet's my idee adzactly." "It is the best, the only one. We shall follow it." And Seguin immediately ordered the Indians to be stripped of their dresses.

De sojers of Proo wasn't bery keen for fightin'. I could see dat, but their gin'ral screwed 'em up to de pint, an' dey was all ready, when all of a sudden, we sees a pris'ner brought in by four sojers. Dey seem so 'fraid ob him dey darn't touch him, tho' he was unarmed.

"When we're doing such an important thing as searching for Ozma," said she, "it's naughty for you to wander away and keep us from getting on. S'pose she's a pris'ner in a dungeon cell! do you want to keep our dear Ozma there any longer than we can help?" "If she's in a dungeon cell, how are you going to get her out?" inquired the boy.