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Updated: August 22, 2024

At the same time he waved his hand for the others to hold their peace. A moment later he said: 'I hear Injins. 'Begorrah! where bees the same? demanded Mickey, starting to his feet, while Ethan gazed alarmedly about. 'Jist take a squint up the river, and tell me ef they ain't pitchin' into the poor critters thar.

"And and why, now I come to think of it, I remember hearin' Hannah pitchin' into Kenelm that first mornin' after our night at her house, for losin' his umbrella and a mitten." "Right you are!" Captain Obed slapped his knee. "And Kenelm was out somewheres that night afore he and I came over here. He found his umbrella and he brought it home whole a week or so later.

Miss Abigail gave a start, and the ale leaped up in the pitcher like a miniature fountain. "I begs your parden, ladies and gentlemen all; but the thought of that feller with his ring an' his watch-chain an' his walrus face, is alus too many for me. I was for pitchin' him into the North River, when a perliceman prevented me from benefitin' the human family.

You see, sir, he was so low-rigged that the brig's lurchin' and pitchin' could n't get him off his pins, and he stood up like a church in the heaviest wea'der. Yes, sir, Jack was right good for dat." Spike mused a moment then he rolled the tobacco over in his mouth, and added, in the way a man speaks when his mind is made up "Ay ay! I see into the fellow.

But you can see for yourselves that she's likely to be a fine, solid, comfortable craft, and won't go pitchin' and tossin' around like the crafts that some people go to sea in!" "Why, the name is on it!" cried Willy. "Summer Shelter! How did you happen to find one with that name, Mr. Burke?" "Oh, I didn't!" said he.

If your canoe needs pitchin', pitch it. There's the lantern. If one goes into the show business he learns right now to work and travel o' nights. Yes. Start. I'll follow and explain." But Adrian need not have dreaded the interview to which his host had summoned him. Mr. Dutton's face was a little graver than usual but his manner was even more kind.

"Now, Pinto," he pondered, "whatever in the world am I goin' to do when we all pull into town? Deathbed and him like enough settin' up and playin' solitaire, or out pitchin' horse shoes. Shucks! If I could git around behind Dan Anderson's house, I believe I'd shoot him a few for luck, so's to make some sort of death-bed scene like is announced in the small bills.

How could that lightship help pitchin', I'd like to know?" Mr. Bloomer adjusted the tin cover on the can in which Martha had put the coffee, then he put the can in the pocket of his slicker. "We-ll, I tell you, Primmie," he drawled. "You see, we had pretty toler'ble long anchor chains on that craft and when the captain see how 'twas blowin' he let them chains out full length.

"There was a feller one of the freight-hands a pitchin' of the things outer the cars; an' one of them bags hit against a barrow stood there, an' got cut right through, the bag did, an' what do you s'pose come a pourin' outer that bag, Jim?" "Think I can guess that riddle. Peanuts," answered Jim.

They exchanged a 'Hello! of surprise, and after a whispered word or two en the pavement, went in. They mounted the stairs to a bedroom which Jack occupied. When the door was closed: 'Bill's got copped! 'whispered Bartley. 'Copped? Any of it on him? 'Only the half-crown as he was pitchin', thank God! They let him go again after he'd been to the station.

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