United States or Niue ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

You see, sir, he was so low-rigged that the brig's lurchin' and pitchin' could n't get him off his pins, and he stood up like a church in the heaviest wea'der. Yes, sir, Jack was right good for dat." Spike mused a moment then he rolled the tobacco over in his mouth, and added, in the way a man speaks when his mind is made up "Ay ay! I see into the fellow.

I'm not much used to small arms, seeing that I was stationed at the ammunition- boxes, being summat too low-rigged to see over the ham- mock-cloths; but I can carry the game, dye see, and mayhap make out to lend a hand with the traps; and if- so-be you’re any way so handy with them as ye be with your boat-hook, ‘twill be but a short cruise after all, I've squared the yards with Squire Dickens this morning, and I shall send him word that he needn’t bear my name on the books again till such time as the cruise is over

Benjamin had evidently been anticipating the seizure of his money, for he had made frequent demands on the favorite cask at the “Bold Dragoonduring the afternoon and evening, and was now in that state which by marine imagery is called “half-seas-overIt was no easy thing to destroy the balance of the old tar by the effects of liquor, for, as he expressed it himself, “he was too low-rigged not to carry sail in all weathersbut he was precisely in that condition which is so expressively termed “muddyWhen he perceived who the visitors were, he retreated to the side of the room where his pallet lay, and, regardless of the presence of his young mistress, seated himself on it with an air of great sobriety, placing his back firmly against the wall.

A low-rigged vessel, such as a felucca, would indeed find complete shelter in either of the two westernmost creeks the easternmost had only three feet of water in it when we visited it; but the shores on either side consisted only of a brownish-grey fetid mud, of a consistency little thicker than pea-soup; and the facilities for embarking slaves were so utterly wanting that we felt sure we need not trouble ourselves at any future time about either of these creeks.