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"That is only half a mistake," said I. "What is the matter, and what can I do?" "Nothin'," said he, quickly, "that is, nothin' your own self. Just the minute she got me outside that door she began pitchin' into you. `I suppose that's young Dr. Glover, said she.

The young fellow called John spoke up sharply and said, it was "rum" to hear me "pitchin' into fellers" for "goin' it in the slang line," when I used all the flash words myself just when I pleased. I replied with my usual forbearance. Certainly, to give up the algebraic symbol, because a or b is often a cover for ideal nihility, would be unwise.

I likes to see things honest an' above board betwixt man an' man, and this pitchin' of them as has helped ye over ain't that." Farintosh lowered his voice and bent further over the table. His companions involuntarily imitated his movement, until the three cunning, cruel faces were looking closely into one another's eyes. "Nobody knows that he holds those stones," said Farintosh.

The hum of their helicopters rose to a shrill whine as Chet drove the ship out and down through the smothering clouds. "You must hear her fans on your instruments; you can see how we're pitchin'!" He switched off the transmitter for a moment and faced Chet. "They've been checkin' close," he stated. "That was my engineer's number I gave you as we came through the gate.

"That'll be all for to-day, Alf," interrupted the questioner, his gaze suddenly centering on something down the street. "You've told me that six hundred times in the last twenty years. Come on, I see the boys pitchin' horseshoes up by the blacksmith shop. I'll pitch you a game fer the seegars." "I cain't pay if I lose," protested Alf. "I know it," said Anderson; "I don't expect you to."

"W'y don't you say what you mean, then, Willum, instead o' pitchin' into a poor chap as makes no pretence to be a purfessor? Heave ahead!"

Ony rollin''s better than pitchin' wi' superfeecial cracks in the tail-shaft. Calder knows that much, I said. "'It's ill wark retreevin' steamers this weather, said Bell. His beard and whiskers were frozen to his oilskin, an' the spray was white on the weather side of him. Pairfect North Atlantic winter weather!

If you have ever been to sea, in a calm, you'd know what a plaguy tiresome thing it is for a man that's in a hurry. An everlastin' flappin' of the sails, and a creakin' of the boombs, and an onsteady pitchin' of the ship, and folks lyin' about dozin' away their time, and the sea a-heavin' a long heavy swell, like the breathin' of the chist of some great monster asleep.

Yet he again found himself cursing his own treachery and cowardice, and this time an exclamation burst from his lips and attracted the attention of the guard. "Hello, there! easy, old fellow; thar ain't any good in that," said the sentinel, looking up. "It's a bad fix you're in, sure, but rarin' and pitchin' won't help things.

There was flat derision in the following laughter, and Percival dug his heel in the sod. "Larf ahead! Hany one else try 'er?" "Oh, shut up!" said some one across the ring. "We're pitchin' shoes." Percival slouched off after his knife, and the frieze of small boys scattered except a lint-haired Cameron who was nursing a stray cat busily, cross-legged against the green boarding.