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"A peeg!" she retorted mildly, somewhat mollified by her apparent success. But Mr. Pericles had relapsed into his exasperating composure. The breath of a deliberate and undeserved peacefulness continued to be drawn in by his nostrils. At the accustomed warning there was an ostentatious rustle of retiring dresses; whereat Mr. Pericles chose to proclaim himself awake.

'In dere, cried the stout man, pointing behind him into the restaurant, 'a man, a how you say? yes, sacked. An employe whom I yesterday sacked, today he returns. I say to him, "Cochon, va!" 'What's that? 'I say, "Peeg, go!" How you say? Yes, "pop off!" I say, "Peeg, pop off!" But he no, no; he sits and will not go. Come in, officer, and expel him.

Foiled in his intention he returned to the bar, murmuring "Anglish Peeg" to himself as he did so. In the meantime the stranger had seated himself upon the rough bed in the corner, and had taken a letter from his pocket. "The Hotel of the Three Desires," he reads, "and on March the fifteenth, without fail." There was a pause while he folded the letter up and placed it in his pocket.

Out of his wheeled chair he jumped, and shaking his fist in Paige's face, he shouted: "T'ink you be smart, very smart mans! Well, Ah'll tol' you you ain't. Ah'll tol' you you be a great beeg peeg! Ah'll tol' you dat Edwards boy, he shoot at me. I see heem. 'T ain't my fault of it if he not hit me, hein? You be peeg!

"Ef that thar child don't quit that fool way o' stickin' her head a- twixt the rails ter watch fur her brother, she'll git cotched thar some day like a peeg in a pen, an' git her neck bruk." Birt overheard her. "Tennessee air too peart ter git herself hurt," he said, a trifle ashamed of his ready championship of his little sister, as a big rough boy is apt to be of gentler emotions.

She was angry, and her mind was teeming with the instructions of her young mentors, especially with the more violent instructions of Erebus. She gazed straight into the sparkling but blood-shot eyes of the raging baroness, and said in a somewhat uncertain voice but clearly enough: "Old red peeg."

You be all peegs every one!" and Pete, making a wide, inclusive gesture, shouted, "I care not more as one cent for de whole keet and caboodle of it! Peeg, peeg, peeg!" And turning on his heel, the wrathful Frenchman left the room. He left also a convulsed jury and a wheeled chair, for the hire of which Hibbard found himself later obliged to pay. Mr.

But the girl heavens, madame, she is of an ugliness! And I cannot teach ugly people. She has the face of a peeg please take her away." But there was little fear that a similar fate would befall Diana.

Pretty soon I keep on looking some more an' I see down in his har, round hees neck one peeg collar, jes' like a dog. "Heem one beeg deevil. I so scart when he drink out uv de bottle, I no say nutting. He eat my pie, I no say nutting. I 'fraid he take my gun by the tree an' shoot me. By gar. "By and by he go way and I go up an' look. Perhaps I t'ink I been dreaming.

Miss Lambart started in her chair; the baroness uttered a gasping grunt; she blinked; she could not believe her ears. "But whad but whad " she said faintly. "Old red peeg," said the princess, somewhat pleased with the effect of the words, and desirous of deepening it. "Bud whad ees eed zat 'appen?" muttered the bewildered baroness.