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Updated: August 4, 2024

So there was ae night that I was rather mair than ordinary hearty, and says he to me: 'Mr Stuart, says he, 'will you lend your name to a bit paper for me? 'No, I thank ye, sir, says I; 'I never wish to be caution for onybody. 'It's of no consequence, said he, and there was no more passed. But as I was rising to gang hame, 'Come, tak' anither, Mr.

"Ye see, when onybody gets as low as puir Saunders here, it's juist a hand to hand wrastle atween the fever and his constitution, an' of coorse, if he hed been a shilpit, stuntit, feckless effeegy o' a cratur, fed on tea an' made dishes and pushioned wi' bad air, Saunders wud hae nae chance; he wes boond tae gae oot like the snuff o' a candle.

"Almichty God ... dinna be hard on Weelum MacLure, for he's no been hard wi' onybody in Drumtochty.... Be kind tae him as he's been tae us a' for forty year.... We're a' sinners afore Thee.... Forgive him what he's dune wrang, an' dinna cuist it up tae him.... Mind the fouk he's helpit ... the weemen an' bairnies ... an' gie him a welcome name, for he's sair needin't after a' his wark.... Amen."

Liz looked round in a somewhat scared manner into her companion's face. 'D'ye read the Bible? she asked bluntly. 'I never dae, so I canna mind that. I never thocht onybody read it or believed it, I mean except ministers that are paid for it. 'Oh, that is quite a mistake, said Gladys warmly. 'A great many people read it, because they love it, and because it helps them in the battle of life.

"Is there not," he said, "an old woman lodging in this or one of the neighbouring cottages, called Elspeth, who was long resident at Craigburnfoot of Glenallan?" "It's my gudemither, my lord," said Margaret; "but she canna see onybody e'enow Ohon! we're dreeing a sair weird we hae had a heavy dispensation!"

"I hear that auld Hairyfithill has offered five pound reward for information about his pig," said Tam Donaldson a few mornings later. "Ay, an' it's a gran' price for onybody wha kens aboot it," said auld Jamie Lauder. "Pork maun hae risen in price this last twa-three days, for I'm telt it was gaun cheap enough then."

Jess took another look at the letter." It's a bonny hand o' write," she said, "but Dominie Cairnochan learned me to write as weel as onybody, an' some day he'll write to me. I'se no be byre lass a' my life. Certes no. There's oor Meg, noo; she'll mairry some ignorant landward man, an' leeve a' her life in a cot hoose, wi' a dizzen weans tum'lin' aboot her!

Ye hae no business to ken o' onything wrang in a body's hoose, an' no tell them forbye 'at he pat ye in chairge. But it 'll du naething for the laird; for what cares the markis for onything or onybody but himsel'?" "He cares for 's dauchter," said Malcolm.

And ever sin syne he comes and gangs as he likes. And efter that be telled the minister to tell hiz 'at we was to lay aside the weicht that sae easy besets us, and rin. Noo by rin he maun hae meaned rin up, for a body's no to rin frae the deevil but resist him; and what is't that hauds onybody frae rinnin up the air but his feet? There!

'Ye needna fash; that's the way I've heard lassies speak aboot men, an' ye get a' yer thanks in ae day, said Liz bitterly. 'The best thing onybody can dae in this world is to look efter number one. It's the only thing worth livin' for. I wish I had never been born, an' I hope I'll no' live lang, that's mair. 'Oh, Liz, wheesht! 'What for should I wheesht?

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