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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Have you told him?" burst in young 'Bert, and drew back at gaze, a foot within the threshold. "Yes, I've told him," answered 'Beida. "No, you needn' stare so," she went on hurriedly, catching him on the edge of confusion. "It'll be all right if you just answer up an' tell the truth. . . . When we was movin' this afternoon, you an' me took Mr Nanjivell's savin's away, the last thing didn' we?"

S'pose I drop him down fust, and den de limb won't break wid just de weight of one nigger." "You infernal scoundrel!" cried Legrand, apparently much relieved, "what do you mean by telling me such nonsense as that? As sure as you drop that beetle, I'll break your neck. Look here, Jupiter, do you hear me?" "Yes, massa, needn' hollo at poor nigger dat style."

A slinky man comes up at his elbow and starts to talk out of the side of his mouth. "Say, mister " "Oh, go to hell!" and the man fades away again, without even looking startled, to mutter "Well, you needn' be so damn peeved about it I'll say you needn' be so damn peeved whatcha think you are, anyhow Marathon Mike?" as Oliver's feet take Oliver swiftly away from him. Nancy.

Yo' ain' been de yellin', squallin' kind, an' when yo' begins at dis hyar day an' age fer ter shed tears dar's somethin' pintedly wrong, an' yo' needn' tell me dar ain't. Now out wid it." Mammy was usually fiercest when she felt most deeply and now she was stirred to the very depth of her soul.

"Dear Mikky Jany is DEAD sHe sayd tell yo hur LUV beeryd hur in owr kote we giv hur ther wuz a angle wit pink wins on top uv the wite hurs an a wite hors we got a lot uv flowers by yur money so yo needn sen no mor money kuz we ken got long now til yo cum BUCK."

"Still you were thinking about it," said Richling, with a twinkle. "Ah! ha! ha! Indeed I wasn', an' ye needn' be t'rowin' anny o' yer slyness on me. Ye know ye'd have no self-respect fur me. No; now ye know ye wuddent, wud ye?" "Why, Mrs. Riley, of course we would. Why why not?" He stood in the door-way, about to take his leave.

'Ta'n't like's ef I'd a-loved the red-skin Catholic. I hadn' never seed 'er. It wasn't the gal, it was the money I hankered arter. So Miss Charlton needn' be jealous, nor juberous, like's ef I was agoin' to wish I'd a married the Injun. I'd feel satisfied with Kate Charlton ef you think she'd be with David Sawney!" "That's a delicate subject quite a delicate subject for me to speak about, Mr.

I breathe no sallible of blame against Miss H., but his a hilliterit cookmaid fit to set at a fashnable table? Do young fellers of rank genrally marry out of the Kitching? If we cast our i's upon a low-born gal, I needn say it's only a tempory distraction, pore passy le tong. So much for HER claims upon me. Has for THAT BEEST OF A DOCTOR'S BOY he's unwuthy the notas of a Gentleman.

"Same time tha'z good to be induztriouz" this was all said directly above the moaning child "while tha'z bad, for the sick, to talk ad the bedside, and we can't stay with you and not talk, and we can't go in that front yard; that gate is let open so the doctor he needn' ring and that way excide the patient; and we can't go in the back garden" they spread their hands and dropped them; the back garden was hopelessly pre-empted.

"It's 'cause you always tell us tales, an' don't quar'l with us," replied Diddie, as the children drew near the old man, and watched him cut the long willow branches. "Uncle Bob," asked Dumps, "what was that you was singin' 'bout the jay bird?" "Lor', honey, hit wuz jes 'boutn 'im dyin' wid de hookin'-coff; but yer better lef' dem jay birds erlone; yer needn' be er wantin' ter hyear boutn 'em."

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