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Updated: August 21, 2024

"Vell, den, you needn' sbeak so loud. I aind teaf, den." "A dozen!" she screamed. "Give me a dozen. Here are only twelve." "Vell, den, dwalf is a dozen." "One more! I want a dozen." "Vell, den, if you vant anodder, go to de duyvil and ged it." Did the hag take him at his word?

The General's voice was still stern. He had turned around and walked back to the cleared space. The deserter scratched his head in perplexity. "I needn' 'a' come," he said, doggedly. "Where's them boys? I don' want the boys hurted. I seen 'em comin' here, an' I jes' followed 'em to see they didn't get in no trouble. But "

So will you say yes?" Keekie Joe was not to be lured by promises of "eats," though he was curious about the old railroad car. His answer to Pee-wee was characteristic of him. "I woudn' join 'em, because they're a lot of sissies," he said, "but yer needn' be ascared ter come down here because I woudn' leave no guy hurt yer; I woudn' leave 'em guy yer because yer a Boy Scout.

He is a rebel, an we are goin ter turn him over to Captain Wilson an his compny uv British sojers, who hev ben heer fur a week past, an are goin to jine the main army on Long Island to-night. Ye kaint do nothin to git him back, so ye needn try. An ye two boys, Dick an Tom, had better be keerful er we'll serve ye worsen whut we hev yer father. We don't aim ter hev any rebels in our neighborhood.

But you needn' to fret yourself: I ben't the man to take an advantage of an old friend, fair though it be. Man, I ha'n't been to Ardevora I turned back. So finish your beer and come'st along with me, and we'll walk down to Selina Johns together and ask her which of us she'll choose, fair and square." Abe set down his mug and looked up, studying the signboard over the door.

"What is it?" "Law, honey, it ain't wrote. Dem Dago folks hain't got no writin' ner readin'. Dey mo' er less like de beasts er de fiel'. Dat message by word er mouf. I goin' tell nuffin 'bout de quahumteem. I'm gotter say: 'Toby sen' word to liebuh Augustine dat she needn' worry.

A dull red showed on Pink's forehead above the tan-mark, and crowded into his pale-blue eyes, destitute of lashes. The two men looked steadily at each other. Then, as Melissa drew near, Pink broke into an ugly laugh. "Give a dog a bad name, eh? You-all needn' be quite so bigoty now yo' fine friends have been at the same business."

"Just because yuh happen to be down and out for the time being is no reason why yuh should insult folks. You can take it for granted we'll do what we can for yuh; the question is, what? Yuh needn' go talking about cashing in they's no sense in it. You'll be all right. "Huh. You wait and see." The fellow's mouth set grimly upon another groan.

The question was an afterthought; she never thought to see it stab as it did. But Lizzie caught at the table edge, held to it swaying over a gulf of hysterics, and answered between a sob and a passing bitter laugh. "At the last just to try en. No harm done, as it happened. You needn' mind. He was worthless anyway."

No seh, cayn't 'zac'ly tell jis how long we be kep' here, but 'f you dislikes to wait, Cap, you needn'. You kin teck a street-cyar here what'll lan' you right down 'mongs' de hotels an' things; yass, seh. See what; de wreck? No, seh, it's up in de yard whah dey don't 'llow you to pa-ass." Out in the darkness beside the train March stood a moment.

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