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"I can't tell you what happened after he slipped from my sight," went on Barringford. "Oh, Sam, do you mean to say he is killed?" "I hope not, lad. But it looks juberous, no two ways on't." "Tell me how it happened," said James Morris, and now all in the camp gathered around to hear what the old frontiersman had to say.

Howdy, Mrs. Ferret!" to the widow, who was present. "Howdy do, Mr. Charlton back again?" And then he took his seat alongside Katy, not without a little trepidation, for he felt a very slight anxiety lest his flirtation With Perritaut's ten thousand dollars "mout've made his chances juberous," as he stated it to his friends.

I once treated this word in print as an undoubted corruption of dubious, and when used subjectively it apparently feels the influence of dubious, as where one says: "I feel mighty juberous about it." But it is much oftener applied as in the text to the object of fear, as "The bridge looks kind o' juberous." Halliwell gives the verb juberd and defines it as "to jeopard or endanger."

'Ta'n't like's ef I'd a-loved the red-skin Catholic. I hadn' never seed 'er. It wasn't the gal, it was the money I hankered arter. So Miss Charlton needn' be jealous, nor juberous, like's ef I was agoin' to wish I'd a married the Injun. I'd feel satisfied with Kate Charlton ef you think she'd be with David Sawney!" "That's a delicate subject quite a delicate subject for me to speak about, Mr.

They could not be sure who he was, but he was a funny fellow to have along with them at any rate. He was not only funny, but he was evidently fearless. For when they came to the castle it was all dark and still. Bill Day said that it looked "powerful juberous to him. Ole Andy meant to use shootin'-ir'ns, and didn't want to be pestered with no lights blazin' in his eyes."

Run fer yore life. A plans on foot to tar an fether or wuss to-night. Go rite off. Things is awful juberous . The first question with Ralph was whether he could depend on Bud. But he soon made up his mind that treachery of any sort was not one of his traits.