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"An' Lee went closer to where the gurl was waitin'. His party follered an' I follered too.... Jest whin the moosic sthopped an' the gurl looked up thin she seen Lee. Roight out he sthepped away from the crowd. He wuz whiter 'n a ghost. An' the gurl she seemed paralyzed. Sthrange it wor to see how she an' him looked alike thin.

"My illustrious and patriotic Bummers!" sez I, a gittin up and takin orf my Shappo, "if you allude to A. Ward, it's my pleasin dooty to inform you that he's ded. He saw the error of his ways at 15 minutes parst 2 yesterday, and stabbed hisself with a stuffed sled-stake, dyin in five beautiful tabloos to slow moosic! His last words was: 'My perfeshernal career is over! I jerk no more!"

In the midst of this, Adèle heard a deep groan. Then she heard the invalid say in a feeble, deprecating tone "Ah! why do you mock me? Am I not miserable enough?" Mrs. McNab stopped a moment, then replied in a sharp voice, "Mockin' ye! indeed, it's na such thing. If ye had an atom o' moosic in ye, ye wad ken at ance, its a sweet Scotch sang I'm singin' to ye.

But what was my horror when the grizzly and infamus Bear threw his other paw UNDER me, and riz with me to his feet. Then claspin me in a close embrace he waltzed up and down the platform in a frightful manner, I yellin with fear and anguish. To make matters wuss, a low scurrilus young man in the audiens hollered out: "Playfulness of the Bear! Quick moosic!" I jest 'scaped with my life.

"We ain't goin' to git up and sing, 'Thou'st larned to love another thou'st broken every vow we've parted from each other and my bozom's lonely now oh is it well to sever such hearts as ourn for ever kin I forget thee never farewell farewell farewell. Ye never happen'd to hear Jim Baker sing that at the moosic hall on Dupont Street, Mr. Renshaw," continued Mr.

And when he discovered that I played on the violin, nothing would pacify him until I had brought it down and given him a tune. 'Ah, he said, drawing a long breath, 'that's something like moosic, that is. I know the right sort when I heers it. I've got a ear for it, though I've not the hands.

"Can I induce you to be so kind as to play for me?" "I am sure he will," said Mrs. Benson, looking at Herr Schlitz. "Oh, yes, I blay for you if you vant," he said. "Vhere is your moosic?" They went over to the piano. "Oh, ho! Jensen, Lassen, Helmund, Grieg you zing dem?" "Some of them," said John. The pianist opened the Jensen album. "You want to zing one of dese?" he asked.

You lib for my house I give you fine t'ings. I make um moosic, sah " "You're a jolly old rotter, Bosambo!" said Bones, shaking his finger in the chief's face. "I could punish you awfully for telling wicked stories, Bosambo. I'm disgusted with you, I am indeed." "Lord who never sleeps," began Bosambo, humbly. "Hey?"

FOUR ladies meet in 'um middle, FOUR gents goes round 'um ladies, FOUR gents passes out under 'um ladies' arms, SWING and Lemonade till 'a moosic can't play no more! The male dancers were all blacks, and one was an unusually powerful man of six feet three or four. The sound of their flat feet on the floor was as unlike the sound of white feet as their faces were unlike white faces.

But we are now poor pedlars of vatches, und dem dat might make moosic in der streets." My grandmother looked as a lady would look under such circumstances, neither too free to forget present appearances, nor coldly neglectful of the past.