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Irish moosic by the Band. Mr. McCool goes and gives the money to his foster-sister, Miss Arrah Meelish, who is goin to shortly marry Shaun, the Lamp Post. Mac then alters his mind about goin over to France, and thinks he'll go up-stairs and lie down in the straw. This is in Arrah's cabin.

There wasn't any orchestry, and wishin' to expire to slow moosic, he died playin' on a claironett himself, interspersed with hart-rendin' groans, & such is the world! Alars! alars! how onthankful we air to that Providence which kindly allows us to live and borrow money, and fail und do bizniss! But to return to our subjeck.

Mister Blane, who is a dark bearded feroshus lookin person, then axis him whether he's fur or fernenst Slavery. Yung Brown sez he's agin it, whareupon, Mister Blane, who is the most sinisterest lookin man I ever saw, sez Har, har, har! Anuther Brown rushes up & sez, "you has killed me Ber-ruther!" Moosic by the Band & Seen changes. The stuck yung Brown enters supported by his two brothers.

A dutchman in the orkestry warbles on a base drum. Curtin falls. Moosic by the Band. Dear Sirs: I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am in a state of great bliss, and trust these lines will find you injoyin the same blessins. I'm reguvinated.

"I 'member the wittles on the binnacle quite plain now," said Barney; "and, yes, o' course, I kep' coming over all soft like, and wantin' to sing songs, and listen to moosic, and couldn't sing; but it was all silver and gold and sunshine and beautiful birds in beautiful trees. Yes, it's all right, sir. You see now, don't you, Neb?" "No, I can't see nowt; but I dessay it's all right.

I shall stay in Cleveland a few days and probly you will hear from me again ear I leave to once more becum a tosser on life's tempestuous billers, meanin the Show Bizniss. Very Respectively Yours, Artemus Ward. The moosic which Ime most use to is the inspirin stranes of the hand orgin.

He'm a fisherman an' caan't abear many things as happens in the world. An' not artists. Genlemen have arsked him to let 'em take my picksher, 'cause they've painted a good few maidens to Newlyn; an' some of 'em wanted to paint faither as well; but he up an' sez 'No! short. Paintin's vanity 'cordin' to faither, same as they flags an' cannels an' moosic to Newlyn church is vanity.

Then followed renewal of the former unlovely noises. Presently, at a point in the song, for such it was, half a dozen other voices drowned the soloist in a chorus. "'T is Billy rehearsin' moosic," explained Phoebe, with a sickly smile. "He haven't singed for a score of years; but they've awver-persuaded him and he's promised to give 'em an auld ballet on my wedding-day." "My stars!

"Of vat use?" he would say, even now, when asked to play in public "de moosic ist all and dat is eben so goodt here mit friends." Or, "Dere goes a thousand peoples to a goncert maybe fife from dat thousand lofes de moosic let dose fife gome to me and I play dem all day for noding!" or again, more iconoclastically still, when told of golden harvests to be reaped, "And for vat den?

How can you say it?" "I do say it. We 'm awnly used to keep up the breed, then thrawed o' wan side. I'm sick o' men an' women folks. Theer's too many of 'em." "But childer our li'l Will. The moosic of un be sweeter than song o' birds all times, an' you'd be fust to say so if you wasn't out of yourself." "He 'm a braave, small lad enough; but theer again!