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"I hope you will be able to keep him from being any bother to them," said Guthrie earnestly. "Bother!" crowed Mary, whose intention was to visit the child daily. "We'll see to that, Mr Carey never fear." Mrs Kelsey suggested beginning her duties, with the aid of the little nurse, at once; but Mary would not hear of parting the boy from his father while they could be together.

He was deep enough in the plot to know that if mother and son had not had a visitor, they ought to have had one. "I suspicioned it was that shiftless, do-nothing chap, Kelsey," replied the overseer. "Looked sorter like his mu-el." "Oh, yes; Kelsey has been up to see us," answered Marcy. And then he tapped his boot with his whip and waited to see what was coming next.

When he arrived, Mrs. Crowley was already with Lady Kelsey. She had known nothing of the terrible letter, and Lady Kelsey, thinking that perhaps it had escaped him too, went up to him with the Daily Mail in her hand. 'Have you seen the paper, Bobbie? she asked excitedly. 'What on earth are we to do? He nodded. 'What does Lucy say? he asked. 'Oh, I've not let her see it.

I remember handling one some years ago in Cordova. When you have seen a fine example you are not apt to forget it. Why do you sell it?" Kelsey settled down upon his heels the upper half of his misshapen body telescoping the lower and shoved both hands into his pockets. "I did not come here to sell it" there was a touch of irony in his voice "I came to find out whether Kling could sell it.

'Lady Kelsey is expecting you, and I cannot bear to think of you by yourself here. 'I shall stay till the last moment. Dick hesitated again. He had wished to keep back the full brutality of the blow, but sooner or later it must be given. 'The place is already sold.

The waiters behind the tables were heavy-eyed. Lucy was bidding good-bye to one or two more intimate friends. Lady Kelsey drank the hot soup with relief. 'My poor legs are dropping, she said. 'I'm sure I'm far too tired to go to sleep. 'I want to talk to Lucy before I go, said Bobbie, abruptly. 'To-night? she asked in dismay.

"I know that he's mighty shiftless an' triflin', but he's a tol'able overseer, Kelsey is, when he onct makes up his mine to do something," said the woman. "Now that Hanson has went off the Grays aint got nobody to boss the hands." "The idea!" cried Tom, who began to "see daylight" once more.

"An' yer father, too, Alma he's tried, an' he can't," she choked. "Tried what? What <i>do</i> you mean?" With her eyes on Alma's troubled, amazed face, Mrs. Kelsey made one last effort to gain her lost position. She raised her shaking hands to her throat and fumbled for the pin and the collar. "There, there, dear, don't fret," she stammered.

Kelsey would have banished any girl from J.C.'s mind, for he was rather dependent on the opinion of others, but it made no difference now, and, warming up in Maude's defense, he replied, "I assure you, madam, I have entertained serious thoughts toward Miss Remington, and have this day asked her to be my wife." "Your wife!" almost screamed the high-bred Mrs. Kelsey.

"I do not favor their leaving the ship," remarked Dr. Kelsey, the mate. "There seems to be plenty of field workers at the front, supplied by the governments whose troops are fighting." "Therefore," added Jones, "we men must assume the duty of driving the ambulances and bringing back the wounded we are able to pick up.